Title: true church or false church | |
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Date Posted:03/09/2021 9:10 PMCopy HTML ~ True Church or false church? ~ *** By: Jo Smith ......1/1/ 2006 We had a lovely warm day this first day of 2006. I think it very appropriate to write about the true and false church today. I have already written several messages showing the difference in these two churches. But it seems everyone is so deceived by the false church that it truly burdens my heart to the extent I feel the need to continue to try and show this false church to anyone who will listen. People are so deceived by the false church that it is almost impossible to show anyone the truth. I see no real evidence of a true church in America today. I do not hear the true doctrine of the Word of God coming from any of them. Oh sure, they all claim to be teaching the Word of God, but when you examine their teachings in light of the written Word of God, you see they are all teaching lies. They are all heavily involved with all the devil-worship idol holidays. Yet they claim these things are done in honour to the Lord God. I just ask how could they honour God when His word forbids such things? Where does His Word command even one of those evil holidays and their idols and foolish doings? Just today I looked at a web-site of one of the local ‘Jesus-only’ churches which ‘claims’ to be teaching and living the doctrine of the Apostles. Yet this same church will close their worship services on these holidays and have all kinds of evil things going on in the ‘name’ of the ‘Lord’. I read on their web-site where they do this evil thing now called ‘trunk-or-treat’ mess to honour the devil’s Black Sabbath, Halloween. These ‘supposed-to-be’ Apostolic Christians will place all kinds of candy, cookies, and other ‘goodies’ into the trunks of their cars and allow the ‘children’ of this church to go around and fill their bags with enough ‘poison’ mess to kill them. And they call this serving God the Apostolic way? Then someone please show me the Scripture saying to do this mess. Where did Peter say he did such mess? Where did Paul say to do this stuff? Now this same church claims on their web-site that they believe the Word of God as their sole source of doctrine and holiness. They claim to believe the Word is without error and they go just by the Word. Now if that be true, where did they come up with this silly mess of doing Halloween? Did Peter tell us to do this mess? If so, where is the Scripture? I honestly have never been able to find any reference to this evil holiday in the entire Word of God and I have studied it extensively for many, many years. I wonder, do they ever read it? Do they ever read anything beyond Acts 2:38? What about this: Deut 12:1 These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land, which the LORD God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth. 12:2 Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: 12:3 And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of themout of that place. 12:4 Ye shall not do so unto the LORD your God. Now maybe all the churches today do not believe in the books of Moses? Maybe they think that is out-dated today? Do you not realize that all these things apply to us today in the true Spiritual realm? Do you not realize that the Holy Ghost Baptism is the LAND God has given to us to possess and worship him in? Then why did they all go out and gather into their churches all the idol gods around them and are more fervent about them than the worldly crowd is? Why did they not destroy these places out of their lives and churches as commanded by God? Why do they everyone place those green trees into their homes and churches once a year to keep the sun god’s birthday? Study the history about these holidays. You will find that they all, without exception, originated with devil, idol worship to false gods and evil spirits. How does a ‘church’ of Jesus Christ justify their ardent love for these holidays? How do they expect God in Heaven to accept this idol worship, when he destroyed all the ancient nations, including Israel, because of their idol worship for these very same idol gods? Maybe you all think that God has forgotten all of this and now loves these evil holidays? Maybe you all think it does not pertain to anyone today? Maybe you think it was only just for ancient Israel as they took possession of Canaan, after God had destroyed those nations for their idol worship? If He destroyed them for their idol worship, what makes you all today think that he is going to allow you to keep dishonoring Him with your ungodliness every year? This is a message which God lays heavily upon my heart. He just keeps moving on me to declare all this evil mess as devil-worship and a disgrace to the true Lord God. A lady from the local Baptist Church told me just a few weeks ago that they closed their Wednesday night service and had the ‘trunk-or-treat’ thing. (wonder where this started from?) She told me of how much candy she had in her trunk. All the members did this same thing. Mind you now this is to honour evil spirits, devils, witches and goblins and any other such evil you can name. Now this is just at their church they do this ‘trunk-or-treat’ junk. They also all buy and give out much candy and other junk to children who pass by their homes collecting all this evil poison mess called food. Not only will this devil-worship junk send their souls to hell fire, but it will destroy their health in this life. Yet all people are involved in this mess and if one lifts up their voice against it (as I do) we are branded as some kind of jerk. Well, when God calls an end for all of you, then you will see that I was telling you the truth and trying to reach you with truth to get you free of your evil to save your souls. Yet you will not hear. You are all too blinded by your love for idols to listen to truth. So again I ask for even one verse of Scripture telling us to serve God in this evil manner. Where is it written in the Holy Book? All these ‘preachers’ who ‘claim’ to go only by the Word of God seem to ignore the fact that this kind of stuff is constantly condemned by the Word. Also they claim not to add to the Word. So where does the Word say to do this stuff? If they are not adding to it, then where is it written? Why are they not obeying God’s command in Deut. 12 to destroy all these idols and their ‘altars’? Instead of destroying these idols and the very names of them, as God commanded us to do, they grab them up and even embellish them more. See how they invented this ‘trunk-or-treat’ to ADD to their devilish Halloween? I have heard some people who attended some of this Apostolic churches’ ‘plays’. They had a shindig-type play and get-together in their ‘play’ room which was so much like the darkened, smoke-filled night clubs till there was no difference. Yet they still claim to be living by the Apostles doctrine! I ask where is it written that the Apostles engaged in such evil doings? Again I say you are a DISGRACE to the Apostles of Jesus. You are a disgrace to the Jesus you‘claim’ to be serving. Now it is not just the Jesus-only churches doing this evil stuff in the name of their ‘jesus’, it is all of them. I do not know of a single ‘church’ which is not involved with these idol holidays. They all have their Dec. 31 watch-night shindig. I ask again where is the command in the Word of God to serve him in this manner? I can tell you that God SPOKE to me many years ago and told me this is IDOLATRY. I have never stayed up to see a new year come in since then. I OBEY my God when He speaks to me. I just wonder, why is he not speaking to these ‘preachers’ who get paid to lead the ‘church’ into the right paths? Why does He not speak to their members? Why does He not tell them this stuff is devil-worship? Can it be that none of them are actually His children? If they are NOT LED OF THE SPIRIT of God, they are not His. If his Spirit is leading them, He WILL speak to them and tell them this stuff is wrong. So whose children are they? Which church are they? The true Church or the false church? The test of which church they are is the LIGHT OF THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD. Are they obeying the Word? Are they doing as the Word says to do? Are they adding things to the Word as a way of worship which God has not commanded? If they have Scripture for any of these things, let them now bring them forth. I have never found even one reference to any of these holidays in God’s Word. God said in the Book of Revelation that he HATES the Nicolaitanes. This is the holidays of today and they had them all the way back in time. It is not a new thing at all. It all existed on the other side of the flood. It is one of the main reasons God destroyed them. It is the main reason He destroyed all the ancient nations this side of the flood. And I am telling you it is one of the main reasons He is ready to destroy all you false churches of today! Go back and read Deut. 12. Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord God. (as the heathens worship their gods). -De 12:8 Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes. -There. That is what you are guilty of.......doing what is right in your OWN eyes, not what God says. So are you a false church? or a true church? It can only be a false church which does not obey the Word of God, but does what is in your mind. And they say it is just for the CHILDREN. So they wish to sacrifice their children in hell FIRE, as the ancients did in the natural fire. And that is Christian LOVE? Only a false church could have this type of thinking. The true church knows we are told by God to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord by teaching them love, goodness, kindness, obedience to parents and God and to obey the Word. But how is hiding silly eggs to honour a false idol god and goddess who supposedly had a child by some magical egg falling from the sky, how is this teaching these children to love God? These same ‘apostolic’ churches, Baptist churches, and all the others, claim they are doing this mess for their children?? Then they set up their idol, green trees, with all the lights and idols around them, and call Santa (Satan) Saturn, to come down the chimney and leave those kids all kinds of mess, to honour their ‘gods’ birthday. So can this be a true church? Of course NOT. Where did our God command this to be done? What Book, chapter, verse? What prophet told us to do this stuff? Which Apostle declared this is the way to serve Jesus? Which Apostle told us he did this thing? How are these churches obeying the Apostles? Where did they tell us to do this junk? Where did it come from? How many of them have ever taken the time to look up any of this? I am sure they do not care. I feel they would all be shocked if they would take the time to read even just a little of the evil which is connected around these holidays. What is the ROOTS of these holidays? Are they rooted in true God Worship? Or are they rooted in devil, idol worship? Surely everyone knows they are rooted only in idol, devil, evil spirit worship. So then how can a true Church be mixed up in all of this mess? I say it is IMPOSSIBLE! All who partake of these devil-worship holidays and their idols are the whore church who is worshipping Satan as her god. Oh sure, you call him ‘jesus’ to deceive with. Paul told us you would bring up another ‘jesus’ and another gospel. But He condemned it. He cursed it and you. Let them be accursed who bring this other gospel and jesus. You are ALL GUILTY. You are all ACCURSED. You think not? Then please SHOW ME THE VERSE COMMANDING US TO DO THIS MESS? Where does God say to do this stuff? Where is any record that John did this? Where is any record that Mary and Joseph had birthday parties to celebrate Jesus’ birthday? Where is it recorded? Where is it recorded in God’s Word, (which you all ‘claim’ to be going by) that any Apostle or disciple of Jesus ever celebrated his birthday? If they did not do it, how are you obeying them? Then are you not proven to be a false church, going your own way and not God’s way? Sure you are. Nothing about the present-day churches are according to the Word of God, not ONE THING. Not one of their teachings are true to the Word of God; not ONE. These churches claim that Dec. 25 is the birthday of Jesus. I ask what Scripture tells you that? Where is it recorded in God’s Word? Did you not all say that you do not ADD to the Word? Then if you did not ADD this, where is it written? If it is not written, it is lies of Satan. Now another question, where did God tell you to celebrate his birthday? Did God command you to do this? If so, where? Deut2:28 Observe and hear all these words which I command thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee for ever, when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD thy God. Do any of you care about your children? You ‘claim’ you do these holidays, hide eggs, set up Xmess trees, give gifts etc. for your children. But notice above that God said observe and hear all the words which I COMMAND you, so it may go well with you and your children forever. So then if you are NOT observing and obeying God’s command, you are fixing it to go bad for your children. So then how it is that you do these holidays for their benefit? Is it not for their destruction? Of course it is. Did not God destroy all those nations for this very same reason, IDOL WORSHIP? Of course He did. You say it is not idol worship...then what else can it be? If it is true God Worship, He had to have COMMANDED IT. So where did He command it? De 12:29 When the LORD thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 12:30 Takeheed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. De 12:31 Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods. De 12:32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it. Now there. God said do not attempt to worship me as the heathens did their gods, for all they do is an abomination to God. He said observe and do what I COMMAND YOU TO DO, without ADDING or taking away from my Word. So there is your test. There is your judging grounds. Are you a true church or a false church? It all depends upon how do you obey the above verses of God. Do you do only what He commands you to do? Or do you do as the heathens did to their gods, against God’s command? Did the heathens set up green trees for their idol worship? It is all through history from the beginning of time that they DID. Did not God forbid this in Jer. ten? Of course he did. Then how do you justify it? Did God command you to decorate your houses? Your churches? Your fences? Your businesses? Did He comamand you to exchange presents with others and call it celebrating Jesus’ birthday? If this is a command from God, I want someone to show me the Scripture saying this. If you have no Scripture for this, why are you doing it? Are you not engaging in idol worship? Of course you are. So then you are a false church. Did any prophet of God write and tell you to do your holidays? If so, which one and where? What book? Did any apostle tell you to do these things? If so, which one? Where? Did Peter tell you Apostolics to do this? Did Peter say he celebrated Jesus’ birthday and resurrection and Halloween? Did they tell you what day Jesus was born on? If not, why not? Do you know? If not, why are you not receiving the revelation of the Word? It is in the Word, so why do you not know if you are a true minister? Why are you accepting pay for teaching the Word of God when you do not study or know the Word? Do you not fear the wrath of God coming from such evil? Any why do you receive pay for doing what you call your service for God? Did the word of God tell you to do this? If not, are you not a false church? Did the Apostles receive a salary for preaching the gospel? If so, please show me that verse. If it is not written, why do you all do this thing? Did the Apostles tell you to collect tithes from your church? If so, where? Is not this tied to the law from which Jesus set us free? Then are you not back under the law and Christ is of no effect to you? Galatians. Do you not know that God blotted the day of Jesus’ birth out of existence? Have you ever read Job three? If not, why not? Why did you not receive the true revelation of this if you read it? Are you really a God-called and God-taught minister? If not, you have no business attempting to teach and lead anyone. Did you not know that the birthday of Jesus was CURSED? Did not two prophets tell us this? Then why do you pretend to be celebrating his birthday? Did God tell you to do this? Why do you claim to be going by the Word of God when none of this is in the word of God? Are you not then found to be a liar and therefore a false church? Is there any place in the Word of God showing that any Christians ever celebrated a birthday of anyone? I have not found that in the Word. Where did God tell the church to keep a watch-night vigil? Why do all churches do this thing then? Is it not conforming to the world against the true COMMAND of God not to do so? See you go against what he did command, and do things he did not command. So you are totally contrary to God. Then you are a false church and not a true church. His true Church obeys his Written Word. IF it is not written, it is of Satan. If it is not written, then you are teaching that other gospel, the false, cursed gospel. You are observing the false jesus. None of these things your church is so involved in is written in the Word to do them, so you are doing the false gospel. You are observing or worshipping the false jesus they brought up. It is cursed. So you are accursed. Maybe you better check up and wake up. You are on your way to hell thinking you have everlasting life with the true Jesus. If you are this much into disobeying the Word of God and worshipping the false jesus, you do NOT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. You are totally deceived, believing a lie to be damned. It is time you listened to some truth and hope you can repent and recover yourself from the lies of Satan. But it seems to me your silly holidays and other junk means more to you than eternal life or Jesus or God. Most of you are more concerned with building fancy buildings than you are with the true Work of God. You do not pray, study the Word, testify outside your building, teach the world the truth. So you are a false church. God is not into man-made buildings. He despises them. These things are the very reason none of the churches today have the true teachings of the Word of God. You are blinded by your love for idols and cannot understand the Word of God. He is not your God. The false jesus or Satan is your god. This is why you must keep all these holidays all year long. You must serve your idols. They are a heavy burden upon your shoulders. Yet you love it and would not depart from them for anything. It is not of God. You have not the Holy Ghost as you think you do. If you did, you could not watch your ungodly TV and keep these evil holidays. You do not take a stand for righteousness. All you care about is your silly little get together each week. The Apostles worshipped and served God every single day, not once a week. When you, especially a minister, spend more time each week, watching TV and movies than he does studying the Word of God, you are false. You feed off the things of Satan. You cannot EAT the Word of God, the FLESH OF JESUS. You are a false church. The true Church of God is not doing any of these things. |