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  • Rank:Acts
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:02/19/2015 3:10 PMCopy HTML

OK, may as well dig the well deeper, to the bottom. I am not trying to criticize anyone, but only trying to teach the truth God has given me. Paul laid it out for those deceived Jews to hear God's truth and they hated him for it. John laid the ax to the root of their trees, proving that law was not of God; and they hated him for it.
Now we are at the end of this gentile church age and again
it is time to lay the ax to the root of this wicked system.

Yes, the 'church' as the world now sees it, is the same old rotten system that John came against; Jesus came against it and Paul finished laying out the evil of this system.
CHURCH, as it is in the world today, IS THIS HARLOT BABYLON. it is God's enemy, teaching everyfalse way; satan is the head of this system, which enjoys every evil holiday and does everything that god said he hates.

He calls you OUT. Come out of her, MY PEOPLE. be not partakers of her SINS, lest you also receive of her plagues.

So now, go on in your hatred for this TRUTH, this mid-night cry, and go on in your rebellion to God, and you WILL RECEIVE OF HER PLAGUES.....just as those old jews who refused to hear the truth of John, Jesus, Paul, and the others who cried out against an evil, religious system, which paid lip service, but in their hearts they loved their idols.

by: Jo Smith.... 2-19. 2015

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  • Rank:Acts
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Re:lady babylon

Date Posted:02/26/2015 3:48 AMCopy HTML

Should God's people, as a church, be involved in buying and selling? MAKING MERCHANDISE?
Let Jesus answer:
John 2:16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

2 Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

Matthew 22:5 But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise:

Ezekiel 28:16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned:

And there is much more; but this is enough. that is if you believe the word of God. MAKE NOT MY FATHER'S HOUSE AN HOUSE OF MERCHANDISE.

Is it speaking of natural merchants, such as clothing or food? Not at all. It is the same theme all through the word of God, that the things of God are FREE and not to be for sell or having to pay for it.
When you see so-called ministers, who are into MERCHANDISING, know that you have on hand a wolf in sheep-clothing. They are BUSINESS men, not preachers of righteousness.

If you allow yourself to be deceived with such, you are also fallen away from God. If you support them, you are guilty, same as they are. If you partake of this BUYING AND SELLING, you are part of this number that Jesus CAST OUT.

If a true minister of righteousness comes into your midst, they will show it with their FRUITS, or words/actions. If they are spiritual, they will have PRAYING, (PRAYER MEETINGS, and scripture study on their mind; not having merchandise to sell to the community). Those who make merchandise are false ministers, interested only in MONEY MAKING. this is not the word of God. 
God does not care how much money you have or if you have none. It is nothing to him.

He hates it when that is what a church is after. And so far I do not know of any who are not into this. by their FRUITS they are known. business men have no business getting into 'ministry'. You have no business supporting them in this evil against God.

The true people of God will HEAR this truth and aline themselves with it, for it is the teaching of Christ Jesus.

By: Jo Smith.... 2-23-2015

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