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  • Rank:Acts
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:06/23/2022 10:55 PMCopy HTML

They said……. By Jo Smith…… June 23, 2022

(My Mother’s birthday;  what a way to celebrate)

Noah said, Get aboard this ship;  we are taking a very long trip. 

Shem said,  Do not delay, not even another day.

A big storm is coming which will be to you numbing.

Japheth said, if you are left behind new life you will never find.

Abraham said, God will provide himself a Lamb.

You must trust him for He is the great I AM.

Jacob said, To end this strife, I am going away to find a wife.

Esau said, when I find you I will kill;  then you will find no trill.

Rachel said, Give me a child or I will die.

Jacob said, I do not know why.

Leah said, I have born him six, so why am I still in this fix?

Laban said, Why have you stolen my children and my gods?

I will find you against all odds.

 Rebecca said, Who is that handsome man that I see?

The servant said, He is the husband for thee. 

Isaac said, It was love at first sight.  She is my shinning light.

Abraham said, A job well done;  I am proud of my Son.

Jesus said, Come unto me and I will give you rest.

I have saved for you the very best.

Peter said, Step out into the water without delay

For there is no other way.

Isaiah said, A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.

You must repent of all lies and being a thief.

David Said, even walking through the valley of death I do not fear.

This is a message that everyone must hear.

Paul said, I will show the world a great light.

Jesus showed me that great light and stopped my mad flight.

Then the world to Paul said, we will now take off thy head.

Paul said, but not until I have to Christ all of you led.

Moses said, You could not even keep Ten

So eternal life you will not win.

He put the serpent on the pole

And said, look and be made whole.

Elijah said, I am never going to die and I will tell you why.

I have kept the way that leads to endless day.

Elisha said, Give me a double portion of your spirit

And then in God’s love I will live it.

John said, I baptize you with water but HE will baptize with fire.

And I tell you all, this is what HE does require.

Mary said, He will bring down the high and raise up the low;

And that is the best thing that I know.

God said, Worship my Son for HE is the only one

That can save you and cleanse you from sin.

If you refuse then into hell you will descend. 

Get on board this glorious ship.

We are going on a very long trip!

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