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  • Rank:Acts
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:11/12/2020 4:07 PMCopy HTML

See, it is the PROMISE which was passed down from Eve, to each succeeding generation of the people of FAITH.
The PROMISE was first given to EVE.  The PROMISED Seed to bruise the head of Satan and deliver all of God's children from the prison of this mortal body.
The PROMISE was to bring again SONS OF GOD.  After they fell into sin,  SONS OF GOD are not mentioned again in Scripture until JESUS CHRIST.
He came as a Son of God and made the way so that we could also become SONS OF GOD.
Sons of God is the thing Adam lost.  He because a BEAST, when he turned from serving God.
All who refuse to serve JESUS CHRIST are brute BEAST.  They keep looking for some pope to be this beast or anti-christ, when it is them all the time.
Every Adam since the first one is anti-Christ until they are baptized into the BODY OF CHRIST.  Then they become sons of God,  the SEED OF THE WOMAN.
The she passed this PROMISE of eternal life, in Christ Jesus, on to Abel, who then passed it to his FLOCK of Sheep of God.  Then after his death,  Eve passed this promise to Seth, who then passed it to his son Enos.
It passed on down, in the generations named in the Matthew one generations, down to Jesus.
Then he passed it to the apostles, who passed it to all who place their FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST, obeying NT Salvation, taught in ACTS.
The promise which Peter spoke in Acts 2, is the very same promise God spoke to Eve in Genesis 3.See, it is the PROMISE which was passed down from Eve, to each succeeding generation of the people of FAITH.
The PROMISE was first given to EVE.  The PROMISED Seed to bruise the head of Satan and deliver all of God's children from the prison of this mortal body.
The PROMISE was to bring again SONS OF GOD.  After they fell into sin,  SONS OF GOD are not mentioned again in Scripture until JESUS CHRIST.
He came as a Son of God and made the way so that we could also become SONS OF GOD.
Sons of God is the thing Adam lost.  He became a BEAST, when he turned from serving God.
All who refuse to serve JESUS CHRIST are brute BEAST.  They keep looking for some pope to be this beast or anti-christ, when it is them all the time.
Every Adam since the first one is anti-Christ until they are baptized into the BODY OF CHRIST.  Then they become sons of God,  the SEED OF THE WOMAN.
The she passed this PROMISE of eternal life, in Christ Jesus, on to Abel, who then passed it to his FLOCK of Sheep of God.  Then after his death,  Eve passed this promise to Seth, who then passed it to his son Enos.
It passed on down, in the generations named in the Matthew one generations, down to Jesus.
Then he passed it to the apostles, who passed it to all who place their FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST, obeying NT Salvation, taught in ACTS.
The promise which Peter spoke in Acts 2, is the very same promise God spoke to Eve in Genesis 3.

Freeborn Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Acts
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Re:the promised seed to Eve

Date Posted:11/12/2020 4:09 PMCopy HTML

this next post was written by Linda, in response to mine, above:..... Freeborn,
You have reveled something. Now I have to go back to Genesis. I thought when GOD said to EVE:
Genesis 3:16 (KJV)
16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desireshall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
When he said he will multiply her sorrow and conception. This verse was always explained that God cursed women so she will have birth pains. And yes when we bring forth children into this world, there is no word to describe the pain.
But now that I re-read it and what Freeborn said, this means something else. Eve would bring forth children of God knowing that they would be born into a ungodly world. Ruled by sin. Does anyone see how this applies to us today?
This is still happening. We must teach as EVE taught. She knew Adam's ways. And she taught against them, so we would not be ruled by Adam (sin).
And another thing has been brought out. What did GOD mean when he said "thy desire shall be to thy husband?" Was God saying that a women was now going to be subject to her husband and not GOD? That was the curse!
But let us not forget that Eve was forgiven of her sin! So as you can see throughout the WORD of GOD that her desire was now back to being subject to GOD. Does anyone see that all through Psalms and the rest of the Bible? If you do not see it, then you are saying that Jesus was not righteous. Jesus fullfilled that promise for all (beginning to end).
The Promise of the "Seed of the WOMEN" is for all of us. Not just women. Everybody on this earth. Everybody that has not been born yet. Do you understand?
Do you see it? Study! Read! Put aside everything that you have been taught by man!
And then GOD will reveal it to you. God said to study to show thy self approved.
Are you? The more I study the more I am starting to sound like FREEBORN!
I guess that is a bad thing! We shalll see! Have a blessed day. Tweety

Freeborn Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Acts
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Re:the promised seed to Eve

Date Posted:11/12/2020 4:11 PMCopy HTML

[this in response to another member, fighting this truth about adam].....The problem with all of you is, that you never really read my messages, then take them to the Word and see if it is there or not. You are all so set to believe only what someone else has already taught you, that you have no place in for truth to be revealed.
I have already explained all of this over and over...but here goes again......the CARNAL MIND is the serpent.
The serpent is or was not a separate person, or as some idots say, some animal, apart from Adam.
It was that carnal mind of ADAM.
Do any of you ever even try to get truth? or understanding? Why did Jesus call the pharisees , SERPENTS?
Does that mean some animal creature, or devil, is walking around inside the Pharisees? How do you understand this? You need to study that for a change. Ask God for truth.
If those religious hypocrites in Jesus' day was serpents, why do you think Adam was not a serpent?
Now you are misquoting the Word of God. It did NOT say we all died WITH ADAM. It said, as IN Adam, all die.
You will die eternally if you live after the flesh, which is that outward man, or first-man, Adam. I truly don't see why this is so hard for you 'smart' folks to understand. Especially that smart Jazz. Wonder why he cannot see something this simple?
You must kill the deeds of the flesh, (outer man; Adam) in order to have evernal life. You must put on the NEW MAN, which is Christ in you. this is how we live in Christ.
Now I just ask you to show me how Adam has a greater role anywhere? Where is he slanderd? Everyone loves old Adam, upholds him, takes up for him, praises him. lies for him, slanders Eve and all other women for him. Where do you get such stuff? You surely make it up.
I have researched Adam for many the only source of truth,,,,,the Word of God.
And I have said so many time, you cannot find one verse saying Adam was good, righteous, loving, loved or praised or worshipped God.
Now I have challenged all of you to show me one verse proving Adam was righteous.
None of you can do it. so you just go on speaking slander of me, hoping to cover up the fact that none of you, not even mr jazz, can show one verse in favor of Adam.

Freeborn Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:Acts
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Re:the promised seed to Eve

Date Posted:11/12/2020 4:13 PMCopy HTML

This is by Tweety, or Linda:.....Freeborn,
This verse is Eve! She is the women in travail. All of us have to become the women in travil. Now, does this verse say until a humna baby has to be formed in you? No! It says CHRIST. Jesus had to also become the women in travil. He had to form Christ in him also. Even though he was made Christ with power. byu the annointing of GOD.
Galatians 4:19 (KJV)
19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you,
This also could be Jesus speaking to us also.
You will have to go back to GEN. And see what Eve's punishment was. I think it was about childbearing.
Also, look at this verse.
Revelation 12:2 (KJV)
2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
What is the sun clothed women? This is EVE!!!! She had twelve stars on her head. This is Israel....Not the state of Israel....But the saints....I do not have time to study all this out.
Have to get ready for work. Just thought I would get this down, before I forgot....
Love You.
This is by Tweety, or Linda:.....Freeborn,
This verse is Eve! She is the women in travail. All of us have to become the women in travil. Now, does this verse say until a humna baby has to be formed in you? No! It says CHRIST. Jesus had to also become the women in travil. He had to form Christ in him also. Even though he was made Christ with power. byu the annointing of GOD.
Galatians 4:19 (KJV)
19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you,
This also could be Jesus speaking to us also.
You will have to go back to GEN. And see what Eve's punishment was. I think it was about childbearing.
Also, look at this verse.
Revelation 12:2 (KJV)
2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
What is the sun clothed women? This is EVE!!!! She had twelve stars on her head. This is Israel....Not the state of Israel....But the saints....I do not have time to study all this out.
Have to get ready for work. Just thought I would get this down, before I forgot....
Love You.

Freeborn Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
  • Rank:Acts
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Re:the promised seed to Eve

Date Posted:11/12/2020 4:13 PMCopy HTML

My answer to her:....
Yes, Tweety. You are truly getting deep into this revelation. Eve's pain in childbirth was not natural childbirth...but rather the suffering we must go through to get 'born again', or to bear our own ManChild....Christ in us.
It is certainly a great and deep revelation, which the carnal minded cannot get. All they can ever see is the natural, or serpent stuff. so they cannot get this kind of truth.
Eve...Eve, Is such a great revelation in the Word of God. I truly do not think a person can ever get into the precious things of God apart from coming to EVE.

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