Title: the law is no more | |
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Date Posted:07/09/2016 6:03 PMCopy HTML The Law is no more There is much I wish to say, and could say, concerning the revelation of Lamentation. But since I have already written some messages on this subject, I will try to show you something that God revealed to me concerning our present day situation in the United States right now. Now I am sure they have no idea how it fits this Book of Lamentation, nor were they even thinking of this; if indeed they have ever even read it…..but it gave me this message. See, God is showing me how to read or know the signs in earth, which are happening right now, before Our very eyes, and is showing what is going on in the heavenly, or invisible world. So this word, THE LAW IS NO MORE, is a mighty sign in earth, which God does not want you to miss. First you should know that this Book not only deals with the destruction of the OT nation of Israel/Judah, but also with the destruction with the original sons of God, back in Eden. Then it covers the move into the NT; the crucifixion of Jesus and the casting down of that entire old testament law system. You know that Paul taught us that there is no salvation in or by the LAW. By the LAW is the KNOWLEDGE OF SIN. Tree of good and evil. Finding GRACE, in scripture, has a very deep meaning and also is the only means of salvation. So, for the LAW TO BE NO MORE, is great news. It shows one has moved into Grace, or salvation. Know also that after Jesus died on the cross, nailing that LAW to his Cross and taking it out of the way, for it was contrary to us, the church healed this wounded head of LAW. Yes, even as soon as in the Book of Acts, that early church had already persuaded many to return to LAW. It was to their destruction. They did not know then, the revelation of Lamentations, that this is showing the hatred and destruction of Law, by God himself. If you have never seen these things in the wonderful book of Lamentations, give it a close study and pray. It is indeed most wonderful the amount of pure revelation in this short Book. I want to show you this before I go into the mysteries I saw in 1Samuel last night. Lamentations 2King James Version (KJV) (Jesus is God’s right hand. Jesus was speaking the words of God. His words are sharp ARROWS. With the arrows, He was their adversary….you say, an eye for an eye, but I say unto you, resist not evil, etc.) With these arrows, God brought down the ruling powers of old Israel, or their horn. The very same thing is going on right now, in America. Their strongholds were their prophets, kings, sabbaths, laws, palaces, etc. God took that all down. He is soon going to take down all our strongholds. In the church, it is your pastors, priests, buildings, singers, organization headquarters, etc. In our nation, it is the president, senate, judicial system, and all other government officials. They are ALL now corrupt, as that old law system was corrupt, and God is going to bring it all crashing down, very soon. The school systems are corrupt; the health system is corrupt; the business system is corrupt, so it is all one big satanic mess.) (Palaces, in Scripture, refers to their fancy synagogues or church buildings; God hates them and is set to destroy all of them. It is being set in motion right now, in America). Verse 6 goes back to Eden, first. He destroyed that Eden world which had become filled with violence. The churches of today claim, you must ASSEMBLE into her buildings. There they have their solemn feasts and God HATES EVERY BIT OF THIS. If he violently took theirs away, he is also going to violently take yours away. (Here God cast off his altar, [where they killed the animal sacrifices which God hated], but notice he gave up the WALLS of her palaces, INTO THE HAND OF THEIR ENEMY. When our walls are torn down, that is destruction. See, when God sent them destruction, the enemy tore down their WALL. But when God sent the back to Jerusalem, to restore that city and the WALL, it was then BUILT BACK UP. So building a WALL is an earthly sign that God is restoring one back; not destroying them.) Those who tore down our walls to allow the enemies to come into our nation, they are enemies, destroying us. [powerful note: their enemies were the NT ministers, Paul, Peter, etc. So they were tearing down that OT LAW system, to bring in the NT Grace.) But Now that God has sent us a man to restore our great country, he says he is going to BUILD US A GREAT WALL TO KEEP THE ENEMIES OUT. People, this is a great sign that God is moving in heaven, for us. God is seeking to build us up; not tear us down. Glory to his Holy Name. Hillary Clinton is evil, and her kingdom is coming down. She is part of the old corrupt system which has to brought down, so the new system can come in. I hope you can see what God is showing me. It is comforting and most beautiful. In the midst of all the turmoil, fear and tearing down, there is hope in Jesus Christ. She will be used to tear down the corrupt system our government has now become. Both parties are corrupt as hell. But Donald Trump has been raised up and he did not go through their evil one-world system to become nominated. God raised this man up and God will tear down all the others just as He did in Adam’s day and the days of the apostles. Both times, an old corrupt law system was torn down and a new world of Grace was set up. More to come: 8 The Lord hath purposed to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion: he hath stretched out a line, he hath not withdrawn his hand from destroying: therefore he made the rampart and the wall to lament; they languished together. All their prophets, and those of today, saw vain and foolish things for the people. They have not discovered the reason they were BANISHED from Eden. They do not know why the OT law system was abolished; 11Cor 3. 1 Samuel 20King James Version (KJV) As I read all of this last night, and God was opening it up to me for our day and also for the day of Jesus, (which unless you can take it all to Jesus, you are missing the true revelation; and then it does you no good unless you can also see it for our day. The first application is always that with Adam.) I kept asking God, who does Jonathan represent in this. I did not see the answer till a while ago. I again asked God, who does Jonathan show? Then God told me, John the Baptist. wow. I had not even considered that. Great revelation. I can see clearly how Saul represents Adam in this, but had not seen how Jonathan was showing John the Baptist as John paved the way for Jesus to become king of this world. But see, there has to be someone in our day, right now, who is protecting Donald and is going to help set him up. Whoever it is, they are doing this type of Jonathan, who loved David too much to want to be king himself. He wanted it to be David for God had chosen David. Taking off here in 1Sam 20, verse one: Here Saul, a type of satan or Adam, is trying to kill David, or Jesus, for he knows that David has been anointed by God to be the true King. Adam is trying to block and destroy Jesus; our nation is trying to destroy and block Donald Trump from going into office. See, they have their Jezebel. She is mystery Babylon. It is time now to destroy Babylon the second time. She fell at the destruction of OT Law system. But now it will happen again as God destroys this carnal, dead last church system. This time her roots will be plucked out of the earth and cast into hell fire. Obama had to go in before Hillary and take things to the bottom. He has done that. So now it is time for Hillary to finish her role in this winding down of ‘church’ time. She is that old harlot, going about destroying everything, and especially wanting to destroy all babies. It is the same as old Athalia who killed all the kings sons to become queen herself. But see, even then, God had made a way to save one of them, a baby. When he was six, they set him up as king and killed Althaea. We have Hillary Clinton playing this roll. She is the Babylon or corrupt church system harloting against God. God has raised up someone to rebuild our Wall, secure our ‘city’ and throw old Jezebel down. That man is Donald Trump. God was preparing Donald all these years without anyone knowing. He had to wait until the seventy years are up. He will be seventy years old, showing this, when he goes into office. This is the sure earthly sign that we are now at the time to destroy old babylon and set up a pure system that will be righteous. In this new move of God, Donald will be showing the same thing as Nehemiah and Ezra did, when they returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the WALL and the city. The WALL has to be built first, to secure the City when it is built. This is to be Donald’s part. Donald, carrying the last name of TRUMP, is the perfect type for our earthly sign that we are at the time of the SEVENTH TRUMPET TO SOUND. He could not run for office until the right time, when he will be seventy years old when he is set up as our leader. It is just too perfect not to be true. It is a true sign in the earth. Scripture says that after Saul was dead and it was time to take the kingdom away from Saul’s family and set up David….those who knew the SIGNS and what God wanted done, knew it was time to set David up and proclaim him KING. In verse one, David or Jesus, asks ‘what is my sin; no one convinces me of sin; what evil have I done that they wish to kill me?’ This also shows Pilate asking of Jesus, what wrong has he done? The EARTHQUAKES that people are continuously calling earthly signs, are natural events and NOT the signs God meant. That thinking is the DUST that is the serpent’s meat. The serpents always see things natural or carnal. But in Scripture EARTHQUAKES mean great FEAR coming on people because of something going on. These earthquakes are the FEAR YOU NOW SEE on this nation of corrupt politicians toward Donald Trump. Another sure sign. The fear of this man has fallen on this world. It has to be a working of the eternal God. Verse eight shows the covenant of Grace between Jesus and John. This world’s politicians are angry because they cannot get Mr Trump to go back to the old ways. He is on a new course = grace and safety for our country. He refuses to smooth over the wicked ones, to get votes or money. He is now showing the love of Jesus to this nation. ![]() |