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Date Posted:06/09/2021 4:48 PMCopy HTML


This is not only a poem, but a short story written in poetic form.  It is also a mighty message of Truth from God. 

Searching for truth

By:  Jo Smith ~~~~~~~ June 9, 2021

There once was a little girl by the name of Ruth.

She had heard that there was a great pearl called Truth.

They said whoever finds this great pearl will never die.

They will never be sick or even have to cry.

They said this pearl is a great rock more precious than gold.

If you find this pearl you will never grow old.

You will never hunger or thirst or any such thing.

The pearl will supply your everything. 

The pearl will make you a king with great power.

You will live in a great high tower.

You will never have hurt or pain.

As a great king you will reign.

The whole world will belong to you

And you will be blessed in all that you do.

This great truth is hidden in a secret place.

You can only find this pearl by grace.

The little girl often saw her mother reading a book.

On her face she always had a happy look.

Ruth wondered, Why waste your time that way?''

We must find this pearl before judgment day.

Ruth left home one morning and hit the trail.

She said, I must find this truth and not fail.

I will search till I find where this pearl is hidden.

So to eternal life I will not be forbidden. 

She went all over town

But the truth was not found.

She went from state to state

But was only met with hate.

From country to country She then went.

But this wasted search was only torment.

She heard a man saying, You must repent.

But she did not know what this meant.

Ruth listened to more the man had to say.

For he was talking about the way

to find the precious hidden stone.

He said, If you find this stone you will never be alone.

But then he turned it around 

and Ruth was astonished at what she had found.

He said, The man who had this precious stone was rich but became very poor.

He lost all friends and became a good-deed doer. 

He said, The man with the truth was killed.

But later he will come back and rebuild.

What?  That is the opposite of what I have heard.

To follow this would be absurd.

Ruth then went from mountain to valley.

She asked people, Is the pearl hidden in a cave or an alley?''

I have gone to and fro in my search for the truth

That I heard about in my youth.

And now I can search no more for I am now old.

It has not been shown to me as I was told.

I will return to my home

And spend the rest of my life alone.

God said to Ruth, I will now show you the secret that you seek.

But to find it you must be humble and meek.

Go home and look into that Book.

But I am seeking a giant rock;  a powerful pearl.

This pearl will give me the entire world.

How can I find this in a Book?  

Just go take that look.

So after many years of running to and fro, Ruth returned Home.

Now she says she will never more roam.

When Ruth walked into her old home, there on a table lay that Book that her mother had read.

Her mother always said that from this Book she was fed.  Fed?

Ruth said, I will simply not be led

Into myths and fables.  No huge Rock can be inside a book.

I will not look.

Day after day, Ruth looked at that book just laying there.

It seemed to be calling her from somewhere.

She began to feel great despair.

So one day she sat down in a chair

Opened the book and began to read.

She thought, I wonder if I can from this book feed.

How do you eat a book?  How can I find a big pearl inside?

Am I too full of pride?  I must open my eyes wide and no longer hide.

But after many months of reading she had not found any pearl or truth.

She was ready to quit when God said to her, now listen to me, Ruth.

The secret is the secret language.  It is hidden in the words.  But there are keys.

The keys are hidden all through the Book.  It would help if you pray on your knees.

Seek and you shall find.  Now you are seeking in the right place.

This Book you must embrace.

The Words were locked up and sealed. 

You must have the words to you revealed.

The keys will unlock the true meaning.

And then you will begin gleaning

The gold, the silver, the rivers, the hidden Food.

This hidden Food is the great pearl of truth that will have your doubts subdued.

Then your faith will be renewed.

The keys will show you that Jesus brought to us the truth of God.

The truth is in this Book and it is a mighty Rod.

By HIS poverty, we are made Rich.  By HIS Death we are given Life.

We will then be blessed to become HIS Wife.

So Ruth now began her search for a key.  

One day she found the first Key and jumped for glee.

Yes, there  it is!  Just as Peter said, You must first learn who Jesus really is.

Then you must obey this message of HIS.

Day after Day Ruth read her way through this great Book of hidden treasure.

Now she had found great joy without measure.

At last the light was shining and Ruth saw heaven.

She now walked on streets of Gold and with no levin.

After searching over the entire earth

And finding nothing, Ruth now has found a new birth.

She found what she needed inside the Book that her Mother had read.

It is the same Book from which Jesus taught and was led.

From this same Book, the KING James Scriptures, we must all be fed.

There is no other way to an endless day.

Inside this Book is the Pearl of Great Price, the great Truth that was sought and found by Ruth. 

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