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Date Posted:07/18/2021 5:13 PMCopy HTML This is the Strongs meaning for the word, Servant, in Romans 16, as pertaining to Phoebe. 1249 // diakonov // diakonos // dee-ak'-on-os // probably from an obsolete diako (to run on errands, cf 1377 ); TDNT - 2:88,152; n m/f AV - minister 20, servant 8, deacon 3; 31 1) one who executes the commands of another, esp. of a master, a servant, attendant, minister Here is one of the meanings: 1c2) of the preacher of the gospel This is another of the meanings: 1b3) of any one ministering or rendering service The above was for the word, ‘servant’. This is for the word, succourer. Paul said Phoebe had been a succourer of many, and himself also. 4368 // prostativ // prostatis // pros-tat'-is // from a derivative of 4291 ; n f AV - succourer 1; 1 1) a woman set over others 2) a female guardian, protectress, patroness, caring for the affairs of others and aiding them with her resources That word, protectress is one of the meanings of the word, Helpmeet. So we see from this that Jesus has placed the woman back into the original place of being the one to aid and protect the man. She is once again a helpmeet. This is from that link, 4291: 4291 // proisyhmi // proistemi // pro-is'-tay-mee // from 4253 and 2476 ; TDNT - 6:700,*; v AV - rule 5, maintain 2, be over 1; 8 1) to set or place before 1a) to set over 1b) to be over, to superintend, preside over 1c) to be a protector or guardian 1c1) to give aid 1d) to care for, give attention to 1d1) profess honest occupations See then, that this solidly proves to be the same meaning as the word, Helpmeet. This proves that Phoebe was over that church as minister, protector, the one to aid and reside over. This is from the above link 4253: 4253 // pro // pro // pro // a primary preposition; TDNT - 6:683,935; prep AV - before 44, above 2, above ... ago 1, or ever 1; 48 1) before Now that shows that she was above the others and before them. This is the next reference, 2476. 2476 // isthmi // histemi // his'-tay-mee // a prolonged form of a primary // staw // stao // stah'-o // (of the same meaning, and used for it in certain tenses); TDNT - 7:638,1082; v AV - stand 116, set 11, establish 5, stand still 4, stand by 3, misc 17, vr stand 2; 158 1) to cause or make to stand, to place, put, set 1a) to bid to stand by, [set up] 1a1) in the presence of others, in the midst, before judges, before members of the Sanhedrin; 1a2) to place 1b) to make firm, fix establish 1b1) to cause a person or a thing to keep his or its place 1b2) to stand, be kept intact (of family, a kingdom), to escape in safety 1b3) to establish a thing, cause it to stand 1b31) to uphold or sustain the authority or force of anything 1c) to set or place in a balance 1c1) to weigh: money to one (because in very early times before the introduction of coinage, the metals used to be weighed) 2) to stand 2a) to stand by or near 2a1) to stop, stand still, to stand immovable, stand firm 2a1a) of the foundation of a building 2b) to stand 2b1) continue safe and sound, stand unharmed, to stand ready or prepared 2b2) to be of a steadfast mind 2b3) of quality, one who does not hesitate, does not waiver Now all of that shows that Phoebe was the foundation of that church. She was of quality, as Paul said, and firmly established in the things of God. All of the above comes from the word, Succourer. Paul said Phoebe had been a succourer of many. She was some more powerful minister, even recommended by the great Apostle, Paul. He said, assist her in anything she has need of. Here is Strong’s meaning for the word, Meet, in helpmeet: 05828 // rze // `ezer // ay'-zer // from 05826 ; TWOT - 1598a; n m AV - help 19, help meet 2; 21 1) help, succour 1a) help, succour 1b) one who helps See then, that it has the very same meaning as that given for Phoebe, or being the one who succours. This is the online Strongs. My own book gives this help, in helpmeet, also to mean aid and surround, and protect. So Eve was given to Adam to help him and surround him and protect him. She was not made for his sexual pleasure. That is not even once connected with the meanings of this word, HELPMEET. That was not Eve’s purpose. She was not made for a servant, either. She was there to stand him up and help lead him. Now men do hate this true meaning of Helpmeet. Adam also hated it, and destroyed it, by deceiving her and bringing her into bondage. God did not set her in bondage. Her listening to Adam brought this about. But Jesus delivered us from that bondage. We see Phoebe in the rightful place of women of God. We see Paul highly commending this powerful Lady Minister. At first, I did not want to do the work and take the time to investigate the 'references' in this post and see what it really had to say. I just did not feel up to it the first time I read this article, because it makes me angry to see someone use the Word of God as deceitfully as Dake did. but now I feel very enthused to do so. I felt led of God to come back and look at some more of this. I am very thankful that I did. Tweety, if you do not ignore this, as you did some of the other times I took the time to prove that Dake had lied and added to God's word, in every thing he said, you will see, as I do, the real SCUM of this EVIL man. I did not have enough before to identify him this way. But now I do. And I would be WRONG not to expose this evil worker. He used the word of God DECEITFULLY to build up a name for himself. He had no truth! Now I prove what I say. and I think you know this by now. I looked at this reference, which he gave for reason #1. First let me say this. Old Testament women are certainly NOT the role model for Christians. They were, as you know, under the penalty for sin. They had not been cleansed by the blood of Jesus....for that matter neither had the men. But the LAW, thy husband shalt RULE over you, is the PUNISHMENT for this UNCLEANSED SIN. It is not the rule for New Testament women. In GRACE, we are EQUALS. We are all ONE, IN CHRIST. So for you to go back to what OT women did for proof of such things, and to Jewish customs, you will miss God entirely. Please, everyone who comes into this site, take the time to read this post. I do the work to find and write these things. Surely you all can take a few minutes to READ it?? Do you really want TRUTH? any of you? This is the reason Dake and others did not QUOTE the verses they listed. They KNEW that would prove them LIARS. They also knew that very few people would actually take the time, as I am doing, to read the verses and see if they said what he said they said. They DO NOT. Under reason 1, he gave this reference: Gen 38:14. Under reason 4, he said this: 4. Only public prostitutes in the East went without veils, hence to pray or prophesy without a veil would be identifying Christianity with harlotry. Read carefully what Gen 38:14 says: Ge 38:13 And it was told Tamar, saying, Behold thy father in law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep. Ge 38:14 And she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered her with a veil, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife. Ge 38:15 When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face. See, RIGHT THE OPPOSITE of what Dake said! Judah thought Tamar to be a harlot BECAUSE SHE COVERED HER FACE. So this shows it was customary for HARLOTS to veil their faces. **** May God expose the works of this wicked man!!! I just realized something as I read my last post. I know none of you, who think the OT was God's way, will be able to see this. But I am still responsible to God, and to you, to show you the truth as God reveals it to me. The OT was not God's way. It was witchcraft. Oh I know you will all dispute this. But I can prove it. and not by twisting God's word as dake, Branham, scofield and most others, have done. It is witchcraft to think that shedding animal's blood could take away sins. It is witchcraft to think that burning incense is worship to God! God said he hated it! It is witchcraft to think that waving heave offerings to God is an acceptable way of worship. God said he hates it. Isa one. Jesus taught that only acceptable way of worship is in spirit and in truth. Just read Isa. one and you will see this for yourself. God HATED everything to do with that OT way of doing service. It was all an abomination to him. IT IS DOING DESPITE TO THE SPIRIT OF GRACE....AND TRAMPLING THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST....THE ONLY CLEANSING FROM SIN THAT THERE HAS EVER BEEN. Surely, you all know that God himself, did not uphold or command such evil? See, God had given the world to Adam, his son. Adam is the god of the OT. All those things were from Adam, or Satan. Animal sacrifices were from Adam, not God. Since God had given it into Adam's hands, anointed Adam as the ruler of this world, God had to let it stand. Only those who are BAPTIZED by one SPIRIT INTO CHRIST, are ever free from Adam, or Satan’s, dominion. Sin rules over all who stay in Adam. So when OT women VEILED their faces, it was showing that the OT way of life was HARLOTRY AGAINST GOD. Sure. Jesus surely pronounced that old Jerusalem is the whore, the one guilty of all the righteous blood shed on earth. Old Jerusalem is synonymous with LAW, OR SATAN. So when the OT women veiled their faces, it showed that they were under this false religion and the whordoms of the OT. So dakes statement that for Christian women to pray unveiled shows Christianity in harlotry, is the very OPPOSITE of the truth. True NT women, those in Grace, know that the long, hanging down hair is the true and only COVERING which God gave. Cloth veils were given by SATAN, or Adam, to SHAME WOMEN. That is exactly why men still, today, have the ungodly and hateful attitude toward women that they have! See how evil men like Dake tried to take women back under that shameful place! Women, wake up! Take your RIGHTFUL PLACE IN CHRIST. Let that hair grow long, leave it down.....teach the word of God.....study the Word of God and learn the TRUTH, WHICH SHALL SET YOU FREE! Under the law, women were under the 'yoke' of bondage; placed on her because of the sin in the garden of Eden. Isa. 58:6---God chose a fast acceptable to him which was to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke. When Jesus resurrected, he appeared FIRST to a woman: he then commissioned HER to be the very FIRST person to CARRY the blessed MESSAGE that He had risen. This is where He called her to carry the message. She MINISTERED His WORD to his disciples. Acts 2:16, 17---But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; and it shall come to pass in the LAST days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your DAUGHTERS shall prophesy, ... V18--AND ON MY SERVANTS AND ON MY HANDMAIDENS I WILL POUR OUT IN THOSE DAYS OF MY Spirit; and THEY shall prophesy. Romans 16:1--I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a SERVANT of the church which is at Cenchrea; Check out this word 'servant' in the concordance---you will find that this is the only time this particular word was translated as 'servant'. It means she was the pastor and teacher of that church. Paul stated that many women laboured with him in the MINISTRY. Jesus broke that 'yoke' off women, in the NT. Those churches putting themselves back under the law; could not let their women teach; for under the law it was forbidden. But those of us who accept the grace and not law, we are free; in Christ there is neither MALE NOR FEMALE. We can all minister the Word of God. I will try to do a message soon, on the 5th trumpet; this is the judgment ministry of the second witness; it shows both men and women in this ministry. God bless all you women in Christ; preach the Word. You are free. If not, you are still under the penalty of that sin; you will not have salvation. Mary spoke the word of God; Elizabeth spoke the Word of God; Phillip had four daughters who prophesied. There were even women prophetesses in the OT. The message said that the 'preaching' of a woman could save the lost. That is Scripture: by the foolishness of 'preaching' he chose to save the lost. This preaching is just as effective from a daughter of God as from a son. I ask you, where did any man save the unsaved? You are resorting to vain babblings; because you do not want to accept the obvious truth: which is God said we are all ONE in Christ Jesus: he does not see a 'male' or a 'female' : He sees ONE NEW MAN, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS; THE BODY OF CHRIST; OF WHICH WE ARE ALL MEMBERS; MEMBERS OF ONE GREAT BODY; THE MAN CHRIST JESUS. I ask you what do you think ordained means? It is merely a commission from the Lord to carry his word. Now, for the Scripture where Jesus, himself, ordained a woman to carry the very first message of the resurrection: Mark 16:6---(this is an angel of God talking to Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Salome, (three women)---And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him. v7---But GO YOUR WAY, TELL HIS DISCIPLES AND PETER that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you. Now, this angel ORDAINED three women to preach the first message to His disciples and PETER. So, isn't that strange that the one you call the first POPE received his knowledge of the resurrection from WOMEN. Now, read John 20----It says that Mary Magdalene went to the sepulcher while it was still dark and found the stone taken away. Then she ran and told Peter and John: then they both ran and looked into the open tomb: they neither saw the angels or Jesus: now mind you, both the angels and Jesus were there; they both knew that Peter and John were there: yet neither one appeared to these men. The word (v10)--said both disciples went away again unto their own home. v11--But Mary stood without weeping: she looked in and saw two angels and they both spoke to her> Now, I ask you, why did they not speak to Peter and John? Why did they not appear to them? I tell you why: because Mary and Elizabeth had both prophesied that Jesus would regard the LOW ESTATE of women and lift them up and bring them of high degree (men) down. Jesus is now fulfilling this Word of God. Then Jesus himself appears to Mary: v17---he says to her: go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father , and your Father; and to my God and your God. Now, people, here is where Jesus himself, ordained a woman to tell of his ascension back to God. This is the very first time a human knew of this matter. She is the very first one to receive this revelation and commission to go tell it. Now, what more is required for ordination? July 26, 2004 Galatians 3: 2. This only would I learn from you. Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3. Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now perfected in the flesh? We have come to Christ Jesus where there is not the law of the flesh ; but the law of the Spirit... the "Spirit of Christ formed in us". Some are called by Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. If they have no works that follow them, like laying hands on the sick and they shall recover, speaking with new tongue, casting out demons..... not being hurt by poison; they are not called of God, either men or women. Those who have these signs are the woman that Jesus Christ confirms that he has sent out. So some women go and preach with out waiting for the Holy Spirit. Yes, they are the ones who are on the flesh side of the law. They should not be preachers or teachers. The same is true of men. If they don't have signs following them, confirmed by Jesus Christ himself, they are not sent out with the power of the Holy Spirit. They should not be preachers. If your Popes and priests and your pastors and other preachers do not have the signs PROVING that God is with them, they are not sent of God. But, those of us who have these signs, both men and women (for in Christ there is neither male nor female)--are the called and sent of Jesus. I have both spoken in tongues, interpreted tongues, prayed for and healed sick folks, had snakes in my arms and at my feet without harm to me (they were poisonous snakes); God even raised back to life a dead bird which I prayed for. Now, tell me, does your pope and men preachers have these signs? If not, they are not of Jesus. This is what you go by and test the person by; not whether they are male or female; God does not see that; for it is FLESH. YOU SHOULD GET TO THE SPIRIT. Get out of the flesh. In the Spirit, there is neither male nor female; they that are led of the Spirit are not under the law (the flesh). Now there is why you think women can not speak their Father's Word; you are under the law: in the flesh. There is no salvation there. So tell me, can you answer Galatians 3:2&3? For Paul says in Galatians that the flesh means nothing. You do know that this is a flesh battle about women preachers? It is Jesus who justifies us by the Spirit. A woman who has received the Holy Spirit and Jesus tells her to go out, needs to obey Jesus. ![]() |