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  • Rank:Acts
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:11/19/2024 10:22 PMCopy HTML

[this is a study I did on the ages of the men, before the flood.  some very interesting facts emerge from this study.  If anyone is interested in such things, take advantage of my long and difficult study to put this together.  never did quite finish what I wanted to do with this, but here it is:]
From: Freeborn551  (Original Message) Sent: 6/6/2008 9:44 AM
~~ This is a study I did several years ago, on the ages of the men before the flood, and how close each lived toward the others. ~~
Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born. >>Seth was 105 when he had Enos >>90 to Cainan >>70 to Mahalaleel >>65 to Jared >>162 to >> Enoch >>65 to Methuselah >> 187 to Lamech >> 182 to Noah >> 500 to his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Adam was: 130 at Seth’s birth. (Seth lived 912 years.)
235 at Enos’ birth. (Enos lived 905 years.)
325 at Cainan’s birth. (Cainan lived 910 years.)
395 at Mahalaleel (Mahalaleel lived 895 years.)
460 at Jared (Jared lived 962 years ).
622 at Enoch (Enoch lived 365 years, and was translated, without death.)
687 at Methuselah (Methuselah lived 969 years.)
874 at Lamech and he (Adam) died 162 years before Noah was born, having lived 930 years. (Lamech lived 777 years!) Lamech was 182 years old when Noah, his son, was born. Then Lamech liven another 595 years, begetting more sons and daughters.
So we see here that Adam lived to see Lamech, the father of Noah. Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam, and Enoch was translated without seeing death. This is very important with the number -7- with God’s important timing. See that Lamech, the last of these Fathers, who died before the flood, lived a total of 777 years! So we see those seven’s being completed here. Enoch taken, at that seventh generation. .. Lamech living 777 years to complete that generation of men before the flood. And It is very significant that Adam lived to see all of these fathers, before the flood, except the one who crossed that flood into the new world, Noah.
Wonder why Noah waited so long before having children? I believe it was so his sons would still be young enough to live long after the flood, to re-populate the earth. Noah was the only one of those old fathers, to wait so long to have his first children. And he did not continue to beget more sons and daughter, as all the others did. The earth was re-filled by Noah’s sons. They were the heads of the new world.
Adam lived after Lamech was born, 56 years. So he had a good chance of getting to know Lamech, the father of Noah. So, 126 years after Adam died, Lamech had Noah. So Adam and Lamech lived 56 years together in time, on this earth. See then that Adam lived until the very last one of the fathers was born, who would die on the other side of the flood.
See then that Enoch and Noah stand together as the two witnesses, who came over to this side of the flood, from the other side of the flood. Enoch crossed over into eternal life without death and Noah crossed over into the new world, via the Ark.
It took a lot of studying, figuring and concentrating to get this study together. I have it originally laid out on a large piece of paper, made by opening up a big envelop so that it is full length. If any of you wish to lay this study out in form, it will take a lot of work, but will make it easier to study from it. Having it in written form, this way, will not bring it together in laid-out table-form.
But I do not know exactly how to lay it out in table-form as it should be. If anyone who reads this, does know how, and is willing to take the time and effort, to lay it out, I would surely like to have a copy of it. But please make sure that you get it correct.
From ADAM to Noah’s birth was 1,056 years. So he died 126 years before Noah was born.
It was 1,556 years from the creation of ADAM till God spoke to Noah.
It was 1,656 years from the creation of ADAM to the flood.
Adam died 726 years before the flood.
Adam died 57 years before the translation of Enoch. So..
The translation was 669 years before the flood.
Now, for some complicated figuring: Adam was 622 when Enoch was born. He lived 930 years in all. Enoch was 65 when his son, Methuselah, was born. This means Adam was 687 when Methuselah was born. Enoch lived 300 more years, before he was translated. So this means that Adam died 57 years before that translation. He almost lived to see it!
Now, Methuselah lived 187 years and beget Lamech. Enoch was 65 when Methuselah was born. So Methuselah was 365 when the translation happened. He beget Lamech at the age of 187, so Lamech would have been 113 years old at the translation of his grandfather. This means that Adam would have lived after the birth of Lamech, 56 years. It means that Adam lived 243 years after Methuselah was born. So Methuselah, Enoch, and Lamech all had a chance to know Adam.
Enoch was 252 years old when Lamech was born. Lamech was 113 when Enoch was translated. So, Lamech would have known Enoch 113 years. Lamech was 56 when Adam died. So he would have known Adam for 56 years. Adam died 126 years before the birth of Noah.
Enoch was translated 69 years before the birth of Noah. Lamech, Noah’s father, was 113 at the time of the translation. He was 182 when Noah was born. So this means that the translation happened 69 years before the birth of Noah. Since Adam died 57 years before the translation of Enoch, he died 126 years before the birth of Noah. Think of that, this wicked man, by whom death entered this world, died only 126 years before the deliverer of that age was born.
Look at the prophetical words of Lamech, concerning Noah, when Noah was born, proving the above statement: Gen 5:28 And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son: 5:29 And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed.
See here, at the closing of that age, that Lamech brought up the curse which God had placed on the ground, due to ADAM’S sin. He shows here that Noah is to be the COMFOTER to that age concerning the work and toil or their hands, because of the curse brought to the ground, due to Adam’s sin. So this is further proof that Adam’s sin is brought up at the end of this age. It proves that Adam’s sins remain with him forever, never having been remitted. So that entire age had lived under some kind of horrible ordeal, due to Adam’s sin and that curse. Noah delivered them from this by obeying God and saving that one family, to replenish the earth with more people.
Lamech lived 595 more years, after the birth of Noah, and had many more sons and daughters. Lamech lived a total of 777 years. See that number? The final closing days of that age of the Lion Head of Adam. Three sevens is a total completion. It totally finishes any age. So, the last father on the other side of the flood, who did not cross over into the Bear kingdom, died at the age of 777, thus showing it was a complete and correctly finished age.
Noah was the dividing of time, to that first world. He stands in the same kind of prophetical place as Jesus Christ in this respect. Jesus was the dividing of time from the old covenant to the new covenant. He was born in that old age, and crossed over into this new age. He came out of the grave, into a new world, just as Enoch crossed out of that old age into the new world. Jesus went by the way of the grave, showing that death to the old world. That ark shows the same thing. It crossed over out of that old age and came up into a new world.
Methuselah, the oldest man who ever lived, was 243 when Adam died. He lived 969 years. So, he died the year of the flood! Adam was 687 when Methuselah was born. Methuselah lived 969 years, so that places his death the very year of that flood! I wonder if he died in the flood or just before it? So far as I know it is not made clear in the Word. Methuselah was 369 years old when Noah was born. Noah was 600 years old the year the flood came, so this places Methuselah’s death to be at 969, which is what the Word says, proving this is all figured rightly. This solidly places the year of Methuselah’s death to be the same year the flood came.
Lamech was 182 when Noah was born. He lived to be 777. Add the 600 years of Noah’s life, till the time of the flood, and you will see that Lamech died five years BEFORE that flood. Five years later, his father died, either in that flood, or just before it.
Jared, Enoch’s father, was 470 years old when Adam died. Jared died 234 years before the flood. Noah was 366 when Jared died. Jared was 596 when Noah was born.
Noah was 500 years old when he had his three sons. He was 600 years old when the flood came. I was astonished to discover, upon this close study of these things, that there is no truth to the common belief that Noah and his sons preached and worked on the ark 120 years. Noah’s sons were already grown and married before God told Noah about the flood and to build the ark.
Look here, how people just slaughter the Word of God and make up stuff, never seeing any truth. God was NOT speaking to Noah when He said the days of man shall be 120 years. Gen 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
Now go to your Scripture and check this out. God was NOT speaking to Noah here. It does not say who God was speaking to. It just says, And the LORD said. Does not say who he was talking to, but it was not to Noah. There is no Scripture saying, as almost all preachers like to ‘dramatize’, that Noah and his sons worked 120 years on that ark! It is not in the Word.
Noah was 500 years old when his sons were born, When Noah was 600 years old, that flood came. His sons were already grown and married! The first time God spoke to Noah about making this ark, and the coming flood, God said, (Gen 6:18), But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.
See, then, that Noah’s sons were already married when God first spoke to Noah. They were only 100 years old when the flood came. So they could not possibly have worked on the Ark 120 years. It is just some more of man’s made up lies.
Noah lived after the flood for another 350 years. His total years were 950. Gen 11:10 These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood: 11:11 And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
We see from the above that Noah’s sons were 100 years old at the time of the flood. So it is certain that they did not work on that ark any 120 years. That was NOT what God was speaking of when said, yet the days of man shall be 120 years.
I think this is a very good study of these men and how they all relate, time-wise to the events in Genesis and to Adam. I have never run into another study of this kind. It is strictly my own work. I did not find any of this anywhere except in Scripture.
I enjoy studying these things out and seeing how they fit together. Hope someone else will get something good from this study.
By: Jo Smith. >> (Do not remember when I first did this study, but I typed it up and set it more in order June 5, 2008)

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