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Buildonthetruefoundation > Beast Heads > The Beast Go to subcategory:
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  • Rank:Acts
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:04/06/2017 6:16 PMCopy HTML

I am thinking on something..not a sure thing...just thinking...
seems to me, and I have been seeing for a long time, in Scripture, that it appears almost certainly that there are at least two different groups of people on earth...
some who are some kind of way,....God's people...(not speaking of being saved by Jesus, here) ...but some other kind of way.  and others who are not God's people.

It has been clear to me a long time and I have asked God about this lots of times.

heathen....who are they?  why are they not God's people?  anyone else ever question this?

what about God's 'purchasing' certain ones?

Jesus purchasing us?

seems confusing to say the least.   .. but aside from this, God speaks all through  Scripture about  some groups of people who are not his people.'
and then he speaks of a group of people as being his people....again, I am not speaking in terms of being 'christian' or Israel.

Peter calls certain people, Beasts.. brute beast, made to be taken and destroyed.  Jude also speaks of these beasts.

I am thinking...if God created a certain group of people, and gave them life....they are his people.....but again,,,how did another group get here who are not his people?

Who is Sons of God and who is sons of men? 

Now, for my out-of the way thought:...  
Did Adam, using his God-given power, create or some kind of way, bring up another group of people who are not living souls, but beasts, looking like a person?  judging by the actions and mindless thoughts of some we see and hear about, this certainly seems plausible to me.

Now if you put this together with what scientist are working on ...trying to create life in a test-tube,,,,and to change  babies...make them another way...using   different technics I say they are still at it...trying to make someone who is not what God made to begin with.

and going on this.....we know that Adam had much more power;;;so he might have changed animals, making them wild...and brought forth a group of beings, who look human, but are really animals.  I think they wanted to make themselves some servants.  and perhaps this is why God has always allowed them to have servants...they are not what He created. 

After the flood we again see them working to create something other than  what they were.

I hope to finally see the full  truth of all this.

Jo Smith. 
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