Title: fire destruction | |
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Date Posted:11/10/2019 12:28 AMCopy HTML The old world never saw rain; they did not know what rain was for God had not made it to rain on the earth. But God sent a massive rain; flood; covered the mountains and destroyed that evil, violent society. God said he would not destroy the whole earth with water again, but would destroy the next evil, violent society with FIRE. A mist went up from the earth each night and watered the whole face of the ground, in that old world. So they knew what water was but not rain. We see natural fire here, but have not seen the kind of FIRE that God spoke of. so what is the FIRE which will destroy this evil world today? Heb. 1: 7 And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. (his ministers.... a flame OF FIRE.) Psalm 104: 4 who maketh his angels spirits; Two verses confirming that his MINISTERS will be a flaming FIRE. These end-time WITNESSES, (true Christians, with the baptism of FIRE).. WILL HAVE.... FIRE...COMING OUT THEIR MOUTHS...... = WORDS. WE WILL CLEANSE THIS EARTH AND THEN THERE WILL BE WAR NO MORE. Jo Smith-----Nov 9, 2019 The old world never saw rain; they did not know what rain was for God had not made it to rain on the earth. But God sent a massive rain; flood; covered the mountains and destroyed that evil, violent society. God said he would not destroy the whole earth with water again, but would destroy the next evil, violent society with FIRE. A mist went up from the earth each night and watered the whole face of the ground, in that old world. So they knew what water was but not rain. We see natural fire here, but have not seen the kind of FIRE that God spoke of. so what is the FIRE which will destroy this evil world today? Heb. 1: 7 And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. (his ministers.... a flame OF FIRE.) Psalm 104: 4 who maketh his angels spirits; Two verses confirming that his MINISTERS will be a flaming FIRE. These end-time WITNESSES, (true Christians, with the baptism of FIRE).. WILL HAVE.... FIRE...COMING OUT THEIR MOUTHS...... = WORDS. WE WILL CLEANSE THIS EARTH AND THEN THERE WILL BE WAR NO MORE. Jo Smith-----Nov 9, 2019 ![]() |