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Date Posted:03/20/2016 3:18 PMCopy HTML

Jesus Christ was NOT crucified in March; hence he did not resurrect in March. So what is the deceived church doing today....hiding and coloring eggs and all such foolishness? what is it? worship of the goddess of fertility.
some more Christianity, huh?
this is the very reason the church has no influence in this world, today, to bring about any helpful change or get Jesus to deliver us from the wicked.

When you, (church folks) partake of all the devil-worship holidays, you are actually joining in on satan worship. so how could you do any good for Christ?
Jesus did not say, if you compromise and go along with all satan's doings, I will bless you and prosper your way.
He said, do NOT be partakers of their sins.
It matters not who you are, how much you 'think' you are serving the true God, when you can go along with such evil things as causing children to run around hunting eggs and tell them, this is the resurrection of Jesus, you are serving and worshiping SATAN.

you can do no good in this world going along with any church, preacher or other stuff, which puts out these wicked things and pretends it is to Jesus Christ.

You, who do such, are God's ENEMIES. Love not the world and the things of the world...if you do, the love of the Father is not in you.
You can pretend you do it for the sake of someone else, but you are only deceiving your own self. You cannot help someone else by partaking of his sins.

Jo Smith.

Freeborn Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Date Posted:03/22/2016 12:39 AMCopy HTML

Moses went up on Mt Sinai, alone, and God came down and talked with the man, Moses. He gave Moses a set of stones, which God himself had written upon.
Moses came down from the mountain, only to find the children of Israel, ALL OF THEM, naked and dancing around a golden calf...idol worship.
They did not wish to hear God's voice, so he said they would never hear his voice again.

Those idol worshippers never read the word of God. They were not even interested is what was written on those stones.

God came to hate this wicked nation. Now, when a man, church, or anyone teaches stuff which is NOT written in God's word, they are teaching, believing and living Satan's word.

Scripture said, examine yourselves and see if you are in the Faith.
How can you do this? Prove that what you believe, teach and live, is written in The Word of God. If not, it is satan's word and ways.

So now:
Is coloring eggs, hiding them and hunting them, to celebrate a resurrection, even once mentioned in any scripture? do you know?
I seriously doubt that anyone who can partake in this evil worship of the legendary goddess of fertility, which is what that egg hunt is all about, has read the Word of God enough to even know if it is written or not. I do not think you care.

God revealed to me this morning that all who do these evil devil-worship holidays, are the very same as those old Israelites, dancing around their god, that golden calf.

Moses was the only one among them who could hear the voice of God which is the only truth. The rest were blinded and left to die, eternally. God hated them.

Is it the Word of God, or myths and legends? Is putting up a tree and decorating that thing, exchanging gifts, to celebrate some birthday, written in Scripture? Nope. Then it has to be the myths, which of course is satan's word and ways.

So can you claim to be a Christian, obeying God, and loving his truth, when you are the one dancing around that golden calf = egg hunts; tree decorating, xmess. putting on halloween junk.... is any of this written in God's word? Of course not.

But the majority of 'churched ' folks have never read God's word enough to know if it is written or not. They simply do not care for God's word, hence, they hate God.

You who think you can do it both ways..... serve the true God, and yet still dance around those idols, are the most wicked and deceived people there is. You would be better off just quitting pretending any religion.

If you cannot prove that what you do, believe and act upon, is of God, then you prove that you serve satan and do not care.

When you support any preacher or church which is involved with this golden calf, idol worship, of holidays, making merchandise in the name of your church, you prove that you love satan and his ways. This was forbidden by Jesus, so you serve satan.

By: Jo Smith... March 21, 2016

Freeborn Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Date Posted:03/26/2016 9:27 PMCopy HTML

so, what scripture shows egg hunts has anything to do with the resurrection of Jesus? Not one. or is it that you all KNOW it is idolatry and your goddess of fertility means more to you than truth? or Jesus?
Well, at the judgment you will be denied eternal life.
Jesus said FORSAKE THESE IDOLS if you want life.

In the OT, after a person refused to go free, when it was offered, the master bored a hole in the person's ear. After that, he could NEVER GO FREE.
Scripture says, he that being OFTEN reproved, and hardens his heart and refuses to turn from his SINS, shall be cut off and that without remidy.
Larry and I have both reproved you over and over for these sins, and yet you close your ears and eyes and REFUSE to be corrected.

Jesus will cut you off. I see many already, who refused to be corrected years ago, and are too blind right not to ever come to truth.

When a preacher says, I do not preach for MONEY, and yet he takes a salary, he is a LIAR AND THE TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM.

Yet these same BEASTS are held up in the highest esteem and people who teach truth are totally rejected.
People just HATE TRUTH. They are NOT going to leave their idols and serve the true Jesus. Yet they still believe the lies of their hypocrite preacher/church, THAT THEY ARE SAVED.

God gave me a dream many years ago. I saw the 'church' prostituting to get money for the church, and thought it was alright, for they were doing it for the church.
They had halloween carnivals, to get money for the church, and thought it was fine.
They had all kinds of sins going on, to get money for the church, and God called it spiritual adultery.

That is where you all are now with your sinful holidays; pretending it is for Jesus. Yet you cannot find one single scripture for such UNGODLY things.
Proves you are not into God, for His Word is God.

You care not one thing for what God said about anything.

You pay a is the mark of the beast.
He takes pay... it is the mark of the beast....yet you cannot tell, for you do not receive revelation from God.
Your lying preacher is certainly not going to show you any truth, for he knows none.

He is a servant of satan,...else he could not lead you into worshiping the goddess of fertility and shaming Jesus that way, saying it is to celebrate his resurrection/


Like me or hate me....matters not to me... I am teaching the truth of God and He will show it someday,...the terriorists are at your door,...and still all you can think about is your IDOLS.
Don't come telling me you are a Christian when you cannot part with your IDOL WORSHIP.

By: Jo Smith.

Freeborn Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:Acts
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM


Date Posted:03/27/2016 4:59 PMCopy HTML

I will continue to teach this truth, no matter how many rise up against me and hate me. God taught me and God sent me to teach. When the evil holidays mean so much to church folks, they are totally into the laodicean LUKEWARM condition. God hates this.
some will say, 'well the word 'easter' is in scripture. Yep.
so is adultery.
so is murder.
so is stealing.
does that make it right? course not.
easter is recorded ONE TIME in scripture. The deceived JW's, not knowing how to understand scripture, (along with all the other church folks)... said this is misinterpreted. they say it should be, passover. NOT SO.

Here is the passage. I will show you how people cannot understand what they read, for they WANT IT TO SAY SOMETHING ELSE.

Acts 12King James Version (KJV)

12 Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church.

2 And he killed James the brother of John with the sword.

3 And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.)

4 And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.

5 Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.

Now just look at this:
all those folks had is what the church folks of today have ...=.. a love for idols.

so, seeing it pleased those jews, Herod took Peter and put him in prison,,,, INTENDING...AFTER...EASTER... TO BRING HIM FORTH...TO BE KILLED.

So, who was honoring this idol holiday? the church or Herod?

See, it was the murdering HEROD. It was his pagan holiday.

So where you go to find out what easter really is?

It is not in scripture, so it has to be in lying book of satan...myths and legends.
So what is it? Larry and I have shown this many times: It is no more than the worship or celebration of a false goddess, called the goddess of FERTILITY...or sex.

Yes, folks. this is what you love and are teaching your children to love.

It is NOT CHRISTIAN AND IT IS NOT OF GOD...Neither are any who love this.

By: Jo Smith... March 27, 2016.
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