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Date Posted:07/18/2021 4:10 PMCopy HTML

Deliverance of the woman

God did not set man over the woman until after they had sinned.  This is punishment for sin.  But after the NT salvation, Jesus did away with this bondage and put down the high from HIS seat, and exalted, or lifted up high, those of low degree, meaning the WOMEN.


Why try to fight the freedom Jesus gave us?  Why try to hold the women still unforgiven?  If they are forgiven, then they are not still under the bondage.


Eve was Adam's helpmeet, not the other way around.  This word means to lead, protect, surround and aid.  This was taken away from him, because of his sin.  See where the world is now, because of this perverted situation?


Also know that the entire Church is a femaleA nation is called a woman.  this includes the males in the Church or nation as well as the females.  They are ONE, so how are you going to separate them and say that one rules over the other?  Can't be done.  Only in a perverted situation is this to apply.  Only under that old bondage of law, does this apply.  It is not God's way.  it is man's way.  (those churches had gone back to that bondage of law.)

Now don't go jumping to all kinds of false conclusions here.


This subject is much too deep to cover in a few posts.  It takes a lot of time and work to cover this.


Are you into this to learn truth or just to try and stop the daughters of God from teaching what God gives us?  You need to read Joel two and Acts two. 

Your sons and your DAUGHTERS shall prophecy.


what do you think prophecy is besides speaking God's word?

God had not intended to shut up the mouths of any of his children.  We are ALL called to minister the word of God.


EQUALITY is the only thing which is of God.  Let me tell you this, but I cannot explain it fully now.  I will get to it as you allow me to show you.


WOMAN, to God, is our flesh,  both the flesh of men and the flesh of females.

When a man does not have the truth, and is not speaking from God, it is a WOMAN teaching.  This is what is forbidden.


When a woman has the holy Ghost and the truth, it is not her speaking, but the Father speaking in her.  thus, it is not a woman teaching.  It is a man, Christ.


Oh, I do hope you can receive this.  You show an ability to teach and go into the things of God.  Do not allow men and this false notion of misinterpreting the Word of God, stop you.


God and the World, need every soul teaching the Word of God.  We have a man,  CHRIST, in our heart.  It is HE who teaches, if we say truth.


Men, who teach falsely, are the forbidden woman.  Every man I have ever heard was in this catogory.  They are women.  They are fleshly.  If they were of Christ, they would not forbid the daughters of God to teach, preach, or anything else in Christ.  Also, this limitation is only under the LAW.  We are not under the law.




It is only in the flesh or carnality, where MALE AND FEMALE are recognized.


So much to tell you.  but it will take time.


The fact that the 'law' brought by Moses is that 'other' gospel Paul told them to let be cursed.  This is a very great truth.  It should be put on all boards.  So many are still deceived by thinking they are under the law.


You know, this shows that the law was actually given be a man.  Paul said his gospel was from Jesus.  Grace and truth was from Jesus.  It should have been obvious all the time:  for Paul said they constantly placed themselves back under the law.  That was his battle with all the churches.  That is also why so many things in his writings seem to contradict others.  He is telling those back under the law how they must do if they go by the law.


Paul said if one preach some 'gospel' other than what he preached, let him be accursed.  Paul preached GRACE---NOT LAW.


You are right---LAW  is that other 'gospel'  which is not a gospel.


Glory to God for such a revelation.


That is why so many think women cannot preach and pastor:  they are looking at what Paul told them who put themselves back under the law.  It is the LAW.  He commended Phoebe as a great pastor.

First you need to learn what  'helpmeet' means. 

1Cor. 11:7-For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

8-For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man.

9-Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.

Now, here it has been assumed for all these years that this means the woman was created for the ‘pleasure’ of or to be a type of ‘possession’ of the man. But that is not the case at all. For proof of this go back to Genesis.

2:18-And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him an help meet for him.

Now look help up in the Strong’s Hebrew: it is #5826--It means this: to surround, i.e. protects or aid: help, succor.

The word, ‘meet’ has the same meaning. So this makes it clear that the woman’s natural use = the thing God created her for- was not for sex. This is not even mentioned in the original meaning of the word, help meet.

So, this explains that the woman was created for the purpose of surrounding, protecting, aiding, helping, and succoring the man. So, he needed her.

Now, back to our Scripture in Cor. V10-For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.

Now, this is showing that the woman had the power on her head. This power was to be used to aid, help, and protect the man. She was HIS helper; not the other way around. We have never lived in a world where this condition prevailed; so we cannot imagine how this was.

V11-Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

See, in the Lord, neither one is self-sufficient.

V12-For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.

So, what went wrong?

The answer is in Romans one.

Now, remember that we just read that neither one is without the other IN THE LORD.

Romans 1:18 & 19-shows that man once knew the truth, but held it in unrighteousness; therefore the wrath of God is on them.

V20-shows the invisible things of God are clearly seen and understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead.

So this shows that by the visible making of Adam and Eve, we are to see God’s power. Now where was the power placed? On the woman’s head; in her long hair. (1Cor. 11)

The power and Godhead was manifest in seeing them.

But how was this? It was in the way God made Eve to protect and aid Adam. This, dear people, is what was perverted; this is what brought about all the disease, violence, bloodshed, and every other evil in this world; their perverting this way of God with the man and the woman.

V21-Because that, when they (Adam and Eve) knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

V22-Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

V23-And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things.

Now, what was the ‘glory’ of God here? The man. How did they become vain? They thought they themselves could be gods. This took their minds into darkness = carnality. To be carnally minded is death.

Man was originally in the image of God = incorruptible. But when he no longer desired the knowledge of God to be in his mind, he became corruptible; he became in the image of sinful man. Thus, the ‘glory’ of God, (the man) was changed; from the image of corruptible man to that of birds, then (lower) four footed beasts, then (lower) to creeping things. In other words, they began to worship themselves; then birds; then animals; then bugs. This is how low they sank because of thinking they could become gods.

Now in verses 24-28- we see that they both left the natural use of the woman. Remember that this is not speaking about sex. It is speaking about what the woman was created for = to surround, aid, help, & protect the man.

Because of the curse placed on them in the Garden of Eden, the man was made to rule over the one who was to have been his helper, his protection, his aid, and his scourer. So, she had to leave the natural use = i.e. being his protector.

He now no longer desired for his wife to be his companion or surround him; he now longed for other men to do this. He now believed that the woman could not help him; she could not protect him; she could not teach him; for after all, he now ruled over her. PERVERSION. Perversion of the original creation.

So, what did this condition lead to?

V28-God gave them over to a reprobate mind (remember, their mind was darkened- this is what that means).

V29-Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters,inventors of evil things, disobedient to parent, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Now, men take pleasure in seeing people doing all these evil things which God hates for he hates God.

Now, that is the whole, sordid story of how low man sank, after he left the natural use of the woman, having the power on her head to protect him.

He lost his natural affection; he now burned in his lust for other men; this came about because as he surrounds himself with other men, instead of his wife, perversion sets in.

When the man looks to other men for spiritual leadership, fellowship, and companionship, he takes up this perverted spirit. For the woman is not there protecting him from this. If he had stayed in the fellowship and company of his wife, this perversion would not have set in.

They now take up all the other ‘vices’ mentioned above. God sent the flood and destroyed the ancient world for this very thing: what do you suppose the end of this perverted generation will be?

People, Jesus came and placed man and woman back into the rightful position with each other: but man has rejected this again and took it right back to man with man. So, once again it is headed to destruction.

Men would rather play ball with other men than be with their wives and children; they would rather fellowship other men in the word; they would rather go fishing with other men; go hunting, camping, preaching, just about anything you can think of -- men would rather do it with other men than their wives. They turn to other men for instruction in the word, for help, for aid, for fun, for fellowship, etc. This leads to the perverted lust for sex with other men.

This is where leaving the original, natural use of the woman led humanity. This is where the man ruling over the woman led the world.


Gen. 6:12-sAnd God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had CORRUPTED HIS WAY UPON THE EARTH.

God’s way was for the woman to aid, protect, surround, help, comfort, and succor the man. When Men rule over the woman and stop her from being used of God, then this is corruption of God’s way upon earth. This has caused all the blood-shed, all the perversion, and all the family problems on this earth. When men can once again accept their wives as equals with themselves, deal with them according to this knowledge and love them as themselves, then once again joy, peace and happiness will flood the homes. The children will once again obey their parents and know how to be the right kind of companions when they grow up and marry, for they will have had the perfect example set before them.

But right now, most men abuse their wives, for the saw this in their daddies. They hated it then, but as they grow up, and believe that they are supposed to rule over this woman, and bring her into subjection to himself, then abuse sets in. They in turn do not feel the love and respect for the wife which they should have. They have been led to believe that God does not use the woman in the ministry, so they always turn to other men for their spiritual leadership, when God intended for this to come from the wife. Thus when God reveals his word to the woman, the man rejects this and destroys this work of God which He began in this woman.

Paul highly commended a woman minister, Phoebe. Paul had many women who helped him in the MINISTRY. Paul knew that God had joined us all back as ONE, where neither male nor female differences dwell. In Christ there is NEITHER male, nor female. We are all ONE. Until the Church gets back to this understanding and way of life, nothing will ever be right. This is why Jesus gave the first commission to carry the gospel of his resurrection to a WOMAN.

By: Jo Smith

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