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  • Rank:Acts
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:01/06/2022 3:38 PMCopy HTML

I will not write much to bore people who are not involved.  But a little something.  She was so worth it.  My  Rhonda Smith.
We had a beautiful day today.  Jan 6, 2019.  a gorgeous day.  but down in my heart and soul a dam is building and about to burst.
I stayed very busy but then had to sit and rest my back a few minutes.  THEN the thoughts set in.  Tell them to go away, but they do not listen.
Last year,  on Jan 6, 2018, (so hard to say it;  that dam builds up behind my eyes again;  floods my head;  fills my soul with great sorrow.)
They were so happy and so excited, My Rhonda and Eric.  They put their suitcases into his car.  Picked out a nice suite in Key West, Fla.  They were going to have a great mother-son vacation.
I was looking for a home.   The next day Wanna and I went to look at a house hear to Rhonda's home.  I had looked at a dozen or so, close to Rhonda and in between Rhonda and Wanna.  But none of them worked out.
On Jan 7, Wanna and I went and looked at one near Rhonda.  Did not go in it, just looked at the property.  I did not feel it was what I wanted, but since it was so near to Rhonda, I would have checked on it. Started to pick up my phone and call Rhonda and tell her, but decided to wait.
An hour later as Wanna and I began to eat, my phone rang and it was from I answered expecting to hear his sweet voice.
Instead, it was his dad.  He asked to speak to Wanna.  Our world fell apart as she told me, Rhonda is dead.
God only knows the sorrow.  They never got to see that beautiful Key West.  Killed not far from home.  Eric's life changed forever.  Left without the use of an arm.  All of his dreams and plans for his future shattered.  His second time at death's door.
I cannot bear to think of it.  But here it is.  She never got to see my new home.  She never got to see Key West or come back home.
Only God knows why these things happen.  Without HIM I could not make it.
Thanks for reading.
Jo Smith

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