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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:03/03/2015 2:07 PMCopy HTML

How long will people continue to call Jesus a lie?  You say you do not call Jesus a lie?  Yes, you do.  How?  All who say that Jesus claimed to be God, are calling Jesus a lie.

People say that because Jesus said, I am such and such, and because he said, before Abraham was, I am.....that this is Jesus claiming to be God.

How so?  See, here is where you are calling Jesus a lie....>>

John 7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.

He said, these words you hear me speak are NOT MINE.  ...They are his that sent me.
so when you say, he said, I am God.  you call him a lie.
His words were not his own.
He was speaking the Father's Words.

More plainly:
John 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

Freeborn Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Acts
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Re:calling Jesus a lie

Date Posted:03/04/2015 10:39 PMCopy HTML

Jesus Christ was not God. Jesus was a man, made in all points like unto us, his brethren. BUT... after his resurrection, God set this glorified MAN on the THRONE OF GOD. This means that Jesus Christ is NOW THE GOD OF THIS WHOLE WORLD. He is the one we must worship, or be lost.
Get this, all people.

Even though Jesus is the MAN WHO IS the mediator between us and God, HE IS GOD FOR GOD SET HIM THERE.

to any and all who think allah or some other idol is god, you are into very much trouble and darkness, leading to eternal destruction.

Jesus Christ was GIVEN ALL POWER in heaven and earth, by God the creator.
No one else; no other (fake) god has any POWER at all. IT IS ALL IN THE HANDS OF JESUS CHRIST..... NO OTHER.

If God, (not allah, but the God kingdom of a spiritual being)... gave all power to Jesus Christ, there is no other to whom we may turn for help or salvation.

Jesus does NOT share this power or authority with any other 'gods'. so to all who think allah or some other idol is going to get you through, YOU ARE TERRIBLY MISTAKEN AND MISLED AND HEADED TO DESTRUCTION.

You cannot serve two masters. Either turn to Jesus with all your heart or stop trying to play between two grounds; (or gods). [if you think allah or some other has power or ability to help you, or you wish to worship, then you do admit that you think Jesus is a lie and the KJV is a lie]

by: JO Smith

Freeborn Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Acts
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Re:calling Jesus a lie

Date Posted:04/30/2015 1:56 PMCopy HTML

Are we called 'cain', or Adam? Is our outer 'man' called Adamic, or Cainnic? God never laid any blame on Eve or Cain, for sin entering this world. It came by one MAN, ADAM. Adam is still here today, ruling this world in evil. Cain is not the ruler of the wicked; Adam is. Cain turned wicked ONLY because he was listening to his DADDY, TEACHING THAT HE WAS GOD. Eze 28.
Many today make this same mistake.... of worshiping some 'man'. When you set a man's words above the written Word of God, you are into man worship. 
The catholic church began this lie, that Mary's baby, Jesus, was really God in human flesh. Not one single scripture teaches this. All protestant churches are daughters to this harlot church. They all claim to believe that Mary birthed a god. they say her baby was really God. thus they are claiming that man killed God. such blasphemy. When you 'celebrate' this gods birthday, you are partaking of the evils of satanic worship, picked up by mama harlot.
all of your silly holidays are of the same devil worship origin and is evil and rebellion against a HOLY GOD.
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