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Date Posted:03/18/2017 8:52 PMCopy HTML

Noah's line through Shem, after the flood. 

facts about Noah:

 1. Noah was born 600 years BF; [before the flood]

 2. He was 500 years when his sons were born.  [600 when the flood came].

he live a total of 950 years;  350 after the flood.   so Noah died 350 years after the flood. 

3. Noah was 892 years old when Abraham was born.  So Noah lived 58 years after Abraham was born.  Abraham lived another 117 years after Noah died. 


Facts about Shem:

1.   Shem was born100 years BF.  He was 100 years old when the flood came.

2.  He lived 603 years;  503 years after the flood.  (He died 503 AF)

3.  Shem was103 years when his son, Arphaxed was born, 2 years after the flood.

4.  Shem lived 500 more years after the flood, being 603 at his death.

5.  Shem was 393 years old when Abraham was born.   He lived 211 years after Abraham was born;  and Shem outlived Abraham by 36 years.  He lived 36 years after Abraham died.   So, Shem was alive during the full time that Abraham lived on this earth.

6.  Shem lived 153 years after Noah died.

7.  Shem lived 347 years LESS than NOAH did.

That life time on this side of the flood was greatly shortened, even by those men who came from the other side of the flood. 

8.  Shem lived 111 years AFTER Isaac was born.  Isaac lived 69 years after Shem died.

9.  Shem lived 51 years AFTER JACOB was born.  [Remember, this includes Esau, as he was twin to Jacob. ]

10.  Jacob lived 96 years after Shem died.

11.  11. Shem lived 281 years after Terah, (Abraham's father), was born.

12.  Shem outlived Terah by 76 years.  [Abraham outlived Terah, his dad, by 40 years.]


Facts about Arphaxed:

1.  Arphaxed was born 2 years after the flood.  

2.  He lived 438 years.  

3.  He died 440 AF [After the flood].

4.  Arphaxad died 63 years BEFORE Shem died.  (See how this longevity is shortened?)

5.  He was 35 years old when his first son was born.  It has been greatly shortened here.

6.  Arphaxad was 290 when Abraham was born.  

7.  He lived 148 years during the lifetime of Abraham.  Just think, they had 148 years to see, know and do things with each other.

8.  Arphaxed died 27 years before Abraham died.

9.  He lived 512 years LESS THAN NOAH DID.

10.  He lived 166 years LESS THAN SHEM DID.

Now you must realize that all of these people, from Shem on down, were having other children all the years they lived.  So, there were MANY MORE that lived in Abraham's time.  Also, Abraham probably had a chance to know Japheth, the elder of the three sons of Noah, and Ham and all of their children.  So it had become a hugh family, all having the chance to know each other.  I fully believe it was Noah, Shem and Japheth that came to see Abraham.  I cannot prove this, but it is what I believe right now.   Abraham had a chance to know Noah, and his three sons and wives who all came from the other side of the flood.


Facts about Salah: 

1.  Salah was born 37 AF.  

2.  Salah lived 433 years

3.  Selah died 470 AF;  30 years after his dad, Arphaxed. 

4.  He was 30 when his son, Eber, was born.  

4.  Selah was 255 when Abraham was born. 

5.  Selah lived 3 years after Abraham died.  So he outlived Ab by 3 years.

6.  Selah lived 78 years after Isaac was born.  

7.  Selah was 355 years old when Isaac was born.

8.  Selah was 415 years old when Jacob was born. 

9.  Selah died 18 years after Jacob and Esau were born. 

1o.  Selah died 129 years before Jacob died. 


Facts about Eber:

1.  Eber was born 67 AF.

2.  Eber lived 464 years. 

3.  Eber died 531 AF;  61 years after his father, Salah. 

4.  He was 34 years old when his son was born. 

5.  Eber was 255 years old when Abraham was born. 

6.  Eber outlived Abraham by 64 years.    (There was another 'change' in their 'genes' or longevity with Terah, Abraham's father.  That starts another 'generation' according to Genesis 11:27.)

A major change happened with 'men' in the first son born after the flood.  Then another major change happened with Terah;  that is why it picks up with another 'generation'.   Also, watch the drastic change in their longevity here with Terah.

7.  Eber lived 239 years after Abraham was born; the 175 that Ab lived and then 64 more. 

8.  Eber was 325 when Isaac was born.  Isaac outlived Eber by 41 years.  So Isaac lived for 139 during the lifetime of Eber. 

9.  Eber was 385 when Jacob and Esau were born.  Jacob outlived Eber by 68 years.  Jacob lived for 79 years during the lifetime of Eber.  


FACTS about Peleg:

1.  Peleg was born 101 AF.

2.   Peleg lived 239 years.  His father, Eber, lived 464 years, so at 239 for Peleg, this cuts it almost in half.  (has to be a reason).

3.  Peleg died in 340 AF.  

4.  Peleg's father, Eber, lived 191 years after Peleg died.  His granddad, Salah, lived 130 years after Peleg died.     His great-granddad, Arphaxad, lived 100 years after Peleg died.   

5.  Now watch this>> Shem, Peleg's great-great granddad, lived 163 years AFTER PELEG DIED.

6.  EVEN NOAH LIVED 10 YEARS AFTER PELEG DIED.  So, everyone of these early men, the two who crossed the flood and the three before Peleg, all outlived Peleg!  Got to be a reason.

I say it is because God again changed the GENES, or whatever controls the longevity.  God was cutting these sons of MEN down with time, after the population was up fairly well, to the time he had in mind for US, WHICH IS NOW 70 YEARS.

He moved it down from 120, to 70;  whereas the ones before the flood had up to 1,000 years.

7.  Peleg was 30  years old when his son was born.  He lived another 219 years after his son was born.

8.  He was 191 when Abraham was born.  He lived 48 years after Abraham was born. Abraham lived another 127 years after Peleg died.  Peleg did  not live to see Isaac, having died 52 years before Isaac was born.

9.  Peleg lived to see five generations after him:  Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abraham.

All the generations, from Noah down, lived to see Peleg.  So Peleg could have seen the men, from Noah down through Abraham, a total of ten generations, not counting himself.  

Noah lived to see ten generations after himself.  I have not figured at this time, how many generations Noah saw before the flood.  (would have to go back to my other chart to do that;  may do it later.)  [this takes a lot of time and figuring]'

Genesis 10:25,  In the days of Peleg the earth was divided. In other words, it was in the time of Peleg that they were building the city and tower, for a name for themselves and to fortify themselves again with the health and longevity that they had lost since the flood.  This is the tower they were working on.

 Coming from the family of Ham, had been born Cush, Cannan, and others;  but especially Such had fathered NIMROD.

The beginning of his kingdom was BABEL and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

Out of these families had come Asshur , Ninevey and Rehoboth and Calah.  There were great cities.  The Canaanites had spread abroad.  So it was in this time, when Peleg lived, and they were all working together to build that great City which  could reach unto heaven  = meaning trying to get back their power and longevity that they had had before the flood!!  Yes, this is what they were working for.

But during this time, God came down and confounded their language, and spread them abroad on the face of the whole earth.   So here, you see that longevity cut way back, for God was highly displeased with what these peoples were doing at that time.  He cut them short one more time.

So even though we are not given the ages of the families of Ham and Japheth, I am sure they would be consistent with those of Shem's families.  I surely believe that as Peleg began a noticeably shorter life-span, that they did also in the other families.

The people, BEFORE THE FLOOD, were called sons of God.

After the flood, they are called sons of MEN.

God had taken from them their glorious image they had before that flood.  So now, those born after the flood could no longer live up to and over 900 years.  And we will see them cut shorter and shorter, until Abraham and Sarah were too old to have children at 90 and 100.


Facts about REU:

1.  Reu was born131AF. He lived 230 years. 

2. Reu died in 393.  He was 32 when his son was born. 

3.  Reu was 161 when Abraham was born.  

4.  Reu lived 78 years during the lifetime of Abraham, meaning he did not live to see either of Ab's sons.  Abraham lived 97 years after Reu died.

All of Reu's fore-father from Noah down, were still alive when he was born.


Facts about SERUG:

1. Serug was born in 163 AF.  He lived 230 years.  

2.  He died in 393 AF.  

3.  Serug was 30 years old when his son was born.

4.  He was 129 when Abraham was born. 

5.  He lived 101 years during the lifetime of Abraham.

    So this means that Serug would have been alive when Ishmael and Isaac was 

    born.  Isaac was 1 year old when Serug died.

6.  Abraham lived 74 years after Serug died.  All of Serug's fore-fathers from Noah down were live when he was born.


Facts about NAHOR:

1.  Nahor was born 193 AF.  He lived 148 years.  

2.  Nahor died 341 AF. 

3.  Nahor was 29 when his son, Terah, was born.  

4.  Nahor was Abraham's grandfather.  He was 99 when Abraham was born.

5. Nahor lived only 49 years during the lifetime of Abraham.    Abraham outlived 

    Nahor by 126 years. (meaning he lived 126 after Nahor died.)

6.  All of Nahor's fore-fathers this side the flood,  were still alive when he was born. 

7.  Nahor would not have seen any of Abraham's children.  


Facts about TERAH:

1.  Terah was born 222 AF.  He lived 205 years.

2.  Terah, Abraham's father, died 427 AF.

3.  Terah was 70 when Abraham was born.  He also had two other sons.  One was the father of Lot.

     Genesis 11: 26 and 27… Terah begat Abran, Nahor and Haran.

    V27. These are the generations of Terah : Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran:  and Haran begat Lot.   ..So it seems a new 'running' of the generations begins here.  Perhaps this was the beginning of the nation of the Hebrews.  We know they began with Abraham.

V28.  Haran died before his father, Terah, in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.

4.  Terah lived 135 years during the lifetime of Abraham.  Ab lived 40 years after Terah died.  

5.  Terah was 170 when Isaac was born.  He died before Jacob was born.



Facts about ABRAHAM:

1.  Abraham was born 292 AF.  He lived 175 years.

2.  Abraham died 467 AF.  

3.  Abraham was 86 when his son, Ismael, was born.  But this is not the one through whom this line is running.  That was Isaac.  Ab was 100 years old when Isaac was born.

4.  Abraham was 160 when Jacob and Esau were born.  Abraham lived 15 years after Jacob was born.  So, Jacob and Esau were young teen-agers when Abraham died.

5.  Isaac lived 105 years after His father, Abraham, died.  Jacob lived 132 years after Ab died.  So that means that Jacob only lived 27 years after Isaac died.

6.  Abraham lived 117 years after Noah died.  

7.  Abraham died 36 years BEFORE Shem died.  (would you have thought that Shem outlived Abraham?)

8.  Abraham died 27 years after Arphaxad died. 

9.  Abraham died 3 years BEFORE Salah died.  So here is another one who outlived Abraham.

10.  Abraham died 64 years BEFORE EBER died.  Another one who outlived Abraham.

11.  Abraham lived 127 years after Peleg died.

12.  Abraham lived 97 years after Reu died.

13.  Abraham lived 74 years after Serug died.  Serug was Ab's great-grandfather.

14.  Abraham lived 126 years after his grand-father, Nahor, died.

15.  Abraham lived 40 years after his father, Terah died.

16.  Isaac lived 105 years after Abraham died.

17.  Jacob lived 132 years after Abraham died.

So, Shem, Arphaxad, Salah, and Eber, four of the older men, back that close to the flood, outlived Abraham;  were alive on this earth after Abraham died.

Noah lived to see: 

1. Shem

2. Arphaxad

3. Salah

4. Eber

5. Peleg

6. Reu

7. Serug

8. Nahor

9. Terah

10. Abraham

Ten generations or grands and greats, after the flood. 

(When I return to  chart of before the flood, I will figure how many generations Noah saw of the older men, before the flood.  I think that will be interesting.

I once had figured how many generation Adam had lived to see, but do not know if I still have that information.  If not, I will try to refigure it when I find time.

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