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Date Posted:01/02/2017 2:39 AMCopy HTML

When ‘they’ say peace and safety’;  They who? 

By: Jo  Smith….January 1, 2017…..My first message this year and it is a mighty one.

11Thes. 1: Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;

And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

2 Thessalonians 2King James Version (KJV)

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Now notice that this is speaking about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  When He comes, he will be coming in flaming FIRE, taking vengeance on the wicked ones.  This spirit of Fire is coming out of the mouth of Jesus and his  people.  By this FIRE He will consume the wicked off this earth.  (Rev 11 and Psalm 149 prove that the saints of God will also have this FIRE coming out of our mouths.)

When Jesus was here on earth during his mortal life, he was always controlled by or obedient to the Spirit of the Holy Ghost, which is a meek and lowly spirit that does not harm anyone, no matter what harm is done to the person with the Holy Ghost.  This Spirit causes one to not strike back or fight or speak evil of others, no matter what is done to the person.  Jesus was so obedient to this Spirit that He allowed himself to be murdered brutally. 

So now, notice the contrast with the Spirit that Jesus returns to this earth in:  it is a spirit of FIRE AND VENGEANCE.

Jesus is coming back to consume the wicked off this earth and bring in his Kingdom of peace and joy.  He is coming to pour out the Wrath of Almighty God on the sinners.

People confuse this wrath of God, with tribulation that all saints have always had to go through.  The reason they endured the tribulation was because they had the spirit of the Holy Ghost, which does not allow us to strike back.  We must submit to these abuses, when we are in this mortal life, under the spirit of the Holy Ghost.  So, until this Holy Ghost is removed and we are given  that Spirit of Fire, this Holy Ghost is holding back the wrath from falling on these wicked people who disobey God every single day of their lives.  They are actually protected because of this Holy Ghost  Spirit that the  Christians are under.

God is so merciful and long suffering, not willing that any should perish, that he holds back his wrath until such time as the world can no longer endure the wickedness and violence on earth.  Then God in His Mercy brings his wrath on the wicked to stop all the violence and evil.  But the  Spirit of the Holy Ghost does not allow such, so He is HINDERING the wicked one from being manifested.

See, the wicked ones, controlled by the wicked spirit of Satan, which is Adam, first-man Adam.  This spirit of satan is a religious spirit which loves to pretend they are the elect of God.  They sit in the temple of God, showing themselves to be god.  As long as any paid preacher sits up on a platform, in a special chair, being looked up to, admired and praised, (for this is worship), know that the wicked one is up there deceiving other wicked folks into thinking he and they are righteous, when they are doing everything that God hates.  Your flesh is the image of the beast, so when you look in a mirror you see the image of the beast that is inside you.  So long as you live for that image you are cut off from God.

These gates of hell, paid preachers; lying preachers; lying church-members, deceive untold millions of souls into hell fire, while causing them to believe that they are saved and on their way to heaven.  These deceived folks hate the truth, claim they have the truth, do all the heathen holidays, commit adultery, steal, lie, and all manner of evil, yet they deceive the world into thinking they are righteous and holy.  They cause millions and millions of people to end up in hell because they listen to the lies these false churches teach.  They are covetous, and refuse to study the Word of God so they can change their lives to obey God. They do not wish to give up their sins and evil self-love. 

The True God is not known in any of these churches.  None of these preachers or church members know the true God.  Their ‘god’ is either a triune god, or a baby god who left heaven and got inside a woman and changed himself into a baby.  They say all you must do to be saved is just say you believe in this false god.  You can then go your way and sin every day, just support your local church and pay that preacher and you are good to go.

These deceived folks, who have no love for the truth, gladly accept this lie and become a more wicked person than they were to begin with.  Thus they are laying up for themselves a lot of wrath when God turns from his mercy to his wrath.  But see, they have no knowledge of such a thing happening, for the lying churches told them Jesus is going to snatch them up and carry them off into heaven, before any bad stuff falls.  They have been told that they will never suffer any wrath, for they will be ‘raptured’.  They do not study God’s word, so they do not know that this is not taught in scripture anywhere.

Now these wicked folks are not manifested that they are wicked, because they attend some local church and they have been taught that this is the way to serve their ‘god’.  This crowd even mocks the Spirit of the Holy Ghost.  They deny all the gifts of this precious Spirit.  They deny that god heals the sick or speaks in tongues or anything that the Holy Word of God declares to be truth.  But they are covered up with the lies of the whore church, so that it does not appear that they are the wicked one, sitting in the temple of God, showing themselves to be godly or christians.

See, this wicked one is not revealed because the HOLY GHOST IS BLOCKING THE WRATH OF GOD FROM FALLING ON THESE PEOPLE.   As long as this Holy Ghost is present in this world, the wrath of God is held off these wicked ones.  They can murder God’s people as they have from the beginning of time.  They can preach lies and refuse anyone who has truth to even speak in their midst.  Yet, the holy saints of God cannot retaliate in any kind of way, for we are commanded to love these folks and not return railing for railing.  They can lie about us, and we must just accept it.  They have tortured Christians since the beginning of time, and no wrath fell on them.  So it is not manifested that they are the wicked one.

They can tell lies on us;  cause others to hate us and mock us;  yet they appear to be the righteous one, for we do not return their evil to them.  The Holy Ghost constrains us.  So, the wicked one is not revealed.  And so it has been from the beginning of time.

…..BUT…there is coming a big change….soon….God is going to do something that will change all of this….and THEN…..the wicked one will be revealed!  Go back up to our Scripture… the day of Christ will not come UNTIL this other happens….until the wicked one is revealed…..but he has not been revealed all through the seven churches because of the Holy Ghost protecting them, by not allowing us to pour out the wrath on them.  They can be the pastor of a church, committing adultery with all the women in the church, stealing… beating their wives and children…all manner of evil is among those church members, ….yet they are not revealed to be the wicked one.  They appear to be ever so righteous, because they attend some church building.

From the pope on down to the smallest most insignificant pastor, these men claim to be god.  They claim to be your leader;  and you must obey them and pay them and adore them, etc.  I have even heard some of them say, I am the only god you will ever see.  The pope is very much worshiped.  Your pastor is worshiped too, just not as evident.  When you must set him above the others in the church, and pay him and let him do all the speaking, that is setting him up as your god.

They sit there showing themselves to be god; and you enjoy this mess.  Yes, you do for they let you continue on in your sins, your pride your holidays and everything else that you love, which God hates.  So all together, you wrap it up as Scripture  declares.  ….BUT THAT IS ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE.

These little popes oppose everything that God says.  They defy everything that God demands from His people. So they are opposing God himself.  Thus they do set themselves up above God and say with Adam, I am god. I sit in the seat of God.  I rule over God’s people.  You must obey me to be saved.  Yes, they are there, showing themselves to be your god.  And because of the patience of the True God and His desire to see them saved, He waits.  He is not pouring out his wrath yet.  So it does not appear that these churches are the wicked one.

Read this again:  And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

So, what is withholding the wicked one from being revealed?  IT IS CLEAR THAT IT IS THE HOLY GHOST.

So when will his ‘time’ be?  It will be when God gives his people another SPIRIT.  When God baptizes another powerful witness with power from on high….but this time it will not be to save and heal;  this time it will not go to the whole world…..this time it will only go to  God’s servants and handmaids.  Joel 2.

This time the power will be to POUT OUT THE WRATH OF ALMIGHTY GOD ON THESE WICKED.  So, what Spirit does this?  The SPIRIT OF FIRE.  Fire coming out of the mouth of Jesus and his witnesses or saints.  Fire is a CONSUMING SPIRIT.   Our God is a consuming FIRE.  But as yet we have not seen this  ‘side’ or spirit of God.  We have only seen his Mercy and that is manifest by the spirit of the HOLY GHOST.

The very reason  no one has known the truth in this message, which is so clear, (how could we have missed it?)…is the lies that evil wicked one has taught the world… oh there is coming a one-man antichrist, at the end of the world and he is going to sit in some certain temple, and say he is god and then Jesus will destroy that one man)…see the lies blind people to the real truth.  This thing was going on in the days of the apostles.  They said the mystery of iniquity is already at work….only someone is hindering us from destroying that wicked stuff…..what was hindering them?   The Spirit of the HOLY GHOST, which is the spirit of God that they had.  The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Mercy and Grace.  They did not have the Spirit of FIRE.  You cannot have them both at the same time.  You cannot show both mercy and vengeance at the same time.  They are opposites.

Look at this again:  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

See?  Jesus will destroy that wicked by consuming him with the SPIRIT OF HIS MOUTH.  So, what Spirit will be coming from his mouth?  A consuming FIRE.  That is not the Holy Ghost and it is not mercy or grace.  It is DEATH;  it is punishment and wrath;  it will destroy this wicked church proclaiming you can be saved and still be a sinner.  This is precisely why people do not want to hear the truth that God has HATE AS WELL AS LOVE.  They do not want to acknowledge  that God hates the wicked and will persue  them till he destroys them off this earth;  and yet His Word clearly teaches this.

You can watch it….every time someone like me begins rebuking and trying to show people that they must repent and clean up their lives, and stop their lying and holidays, folks rebuke us and say, oh you do not love;  you are mean;  you do not show love;  you do judge….see, they want to hide this truth;  they do not want to be corrected.  They are protected in their sins, because of the Holy Ghost that will not let us pour out the wrath until the time comes.

That false teaching has caused people to be at ease in their sins.  It prevents them from even attempting to live Holy and righteous and Godly in this present world, as God demands us to do.  That lying spirit coming from the mouth of the beast, the false prophet and the dragon, (which is nothing but this false whore church and its leaders) has caused  almost everyone to be relaxed and enjoying their sinful lives.  They believe they are going to heaven no matter what they do.  It is damnation to your soul.  So your ‘pastor’ has set you up to be lost and to be consumed by this spirit of Fire, when Jesus returns to destroy all the wicked.

This lying tongue says, no one can be Holy, when God’s words said, be ye Holy for I am Holy.  They claim no one is righteous, when God said, I hate the wicked and demands you be righteous.  So the wicked is covered and not manifest because God is not pouring out that spirit of FIRE yet.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Now do you not see that it is the HOLY GHOST that is letting or hindering the wicked from being revealed?  They are not revealed to be wicked because their fake religion makes them appear to be righteous.  But see God knows them that are his and he is not deceived with their fake church mess, which can hide eggs right in the church and put xmess trees up right in the church and bring old santa right in…etc.  God knows their wickedness.  

So then what reveals them to be WICKED?

When God anoints his second witness with the baptism of FIRE, then that spirit of FIRE, coming out of the mouth of these witnesses, will CONSUME these wicked.  They are going to pour out the Wrath of God on these wicked folks.  Psalm 149.  So it  will be very much revealed then, that these false churches are the whore and that God is now bringing his Wrath and judgment against her.

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

This is   very clear that unrighteousness deceives folks.  Satan has worked all kinds of power and signs and lying wonders.  Didn’t Jesus said that folks will declare, I healed and did many righteous works in your name?  and he will say to them, depart from me, you workers of INIQUITY.  I never knew you, (which means he never put his Spirit into you.)

But what actually caused these to be damned?  it said they did not love the TRUTH.  they had pleasure in unrighteousness;  means they love  wickedness.

God will send them a strong delusion that they will believe a LIE AND BE DAMNED, BECAUSE THEY DID NOT RECEIVE A LOVE FOR THE TRUTH.

So when you reject truth, something you KNOW is written in God’s word, and you hang onto your lie, this will damn your soul to hell fire. 

1Thes. 1: 10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

So, how did Jesus deliver us from the wrath to come?  By giving us the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and we obeyed this spirit until He gives us the Spirit of Fire.  What is the Wrath to come?  It is not any seven year tribulation as the whore church says.  It is this wrath that will be poured out by the Saints of God who receive this Spirit of FIRE.

Cp 4: For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.

Now there is lots more proof in  Scripture that we must live HOLY AND GODLY IN THIS PRESENT WORLD…but these wicked ones teach that no one can live Holy so just go and enjoy your are on your way to heaven.  It will damn your soul to hell.

So now….to the heart of this message:

1 Thessalonians 5King James Version (KJV)

But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.

But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

The revelation here is something I have sought for many years and prayed a lot about just lately, asking God, WHO?  WHO IS IT THAT SAYS PEACE AND SAFETY?  and why would their saying that bring sudden destruction on them?  I have asked others what this means and no one knew.

But last night as I read the message I wrote yesterday, Dec. 31, 2016, about the Lamb becoming a Lion, I saw the answer to  this clearly.  It is the message in this….that the wicked ones, being protected by the Holy Ghost mercy in this world, will be fully exposed or revealed, when this HOLY GHOST SPIRIT IS REMOVED and the Spirit of Fire replaces it.

So then don’t you see, that it is the wicked hypocrites, the whore church, the false preachers, the lying church leaders, and their deceived members, that will be taken by surprise and sudden destruction come on them?

See, they have believed for 2000 years that they will never see the wrath of God.  They are at ease.   Scripture is full  of this.  It is so easy to see, and yet their lies had blinded us all to the truth by saying it is to be a nation or nations that say peace and safety.

I just never could get hold of that.  I kept asking  God, who is saying this and why does saying it bring destruction.  Well now it is clear.  See the whore church feels so secure because she is the one looked upon as the righteous one.  If you came out of ‘her’ and people find out you do not ‘go to church’ they immediately think you cannot be serving God.  That whore has deceive this whole world.  It has deceived itself.

So, they are expecting to be ‘taken’ up off this earth to see no sorrow….. so they feel SAFE AND AT PEACE.  THEY FEEL NO EVIL CAN COME ON THEM.  Yet the Word of God declares that fearfulness has surprised the hypocrite.

Yes, when God gives his saints the Baptism of FIRE and that FIRE is coming out our mouths, bringing vengeance on those who made merry and sent gifts to each other, celebrating the DEATH OF THIS POWERFUL WITNESS OF GOD, then we will take vengeance on them by pouring out the wrath of God on them.

THIS, DEAR FRIENDS, IS HOW WHY AND WHO IS SAYING PEACE AND SAFETY AND SUDDEN DESTRUCTION COMES ON THEM.  See, the holy Ghost is no longer constraining us.  The Spirit of FIRE is saying consume these wicked ones.  And so we do.

Only those who do not already have the Holy Ghost and then will receive the Spirit of Fire, will be deceived into thinking nothing can harm them; they will be saying peace and safety.  That whore says nothing can harm me.  I shall not see the lose of children or be a widow.  But see, when the Spirit of Fire begins to be poured out, her destruction will suddenly come on her,  THEN EVERYONE WILL KNOW THEY WERE THE WICKED ONE AND THEY ARE REVEALED TO BE THE ONE GOD HATES.  They will have no protection at this time.

So Jesus will come on THEM as a thief.  They have lied and lied saying he comes as a thief to his own people, snatching them up off this earth.  Such foolishness.  One does not have to steal what is his own.

He comes on the wicked ones as a thief and takes away everything that they have and cast them into the lake of FIRE.

He said, we are not of the night, but of the day, so that day will not come on us as a thief…yet they missed something this clearly taught.

Jesus said, one must first bind the strongman then he can brake up his house.  He will bind them and take away all that they have.  He comes to THEM as a thief.  It is clearly taught in Joel 2.  But then, they never did study the Word of God…they merely went by the lies that had been handed down to them and was in their sunday school literature.


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