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From: Freeborn22 (Original Message) | Sent: 8/9/2006 1:12 PM |
~~ The Second Head ~~
I had studied these things many years. I never had any idea what the Bear head could be. I never had any idea what the three ribs in its mouth could be. I never had any idea what ‘raising itself up on one side’ could possibly mean. But that night God spoke to me that this head was Noah. I wondered how could this be? Then God showed me this: Noah was this head. When the flood came, it was raised up on that side of the flood, but came back down on this side of the flood. Daniel 7:5 And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.
In order to understand this second kingdom, or head, you must get a full knowledge of that first head, Adam. His kingdom had so polluted itself and turned away from God that God had cut Adam off. Most people think that God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden before they had any children, but this is not true. When it speaks of the birth of their children it is only showing what did happen to them, not when. God pronounced a judgment upon them, but did not execute this judgment at the time He spoke it. God ALWAYS gives man a space to repent in. After they refuse to repent in that time, then God brings their judgment upon them.. This message will be exceptionally long, but I am going to bring in many things, secrets, of God which He has revealed to me. Since these things have gone covered up for so long, I must go into all the details for anyone to ever see this and accept it.
I must nail down to you this first kingdom or you will never be able to see the others. If you desire any truth, pray and seek for God to show you if this is true or not. Don’t just close your eyes and harden your heart. Open your heart and allow God to speak to you. Else you will end up like Adam in this: Gen 3:22, 23, God sent Adam forth from the Garden lest he put forth his hand and take of the tree of life and eat and live forever. Now what does this mean? Adam had started out in Grace or Life. He had started out glorified, in the image of God. He had started out righteous, perfect. Yet he turned to wickedness and rejected life, or grace, and picked up on the law covenant, or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Here is God’s requirement to be permitted to the tree of life: Re 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. See then, that Adam had not kept the true commandments of God. He had no right to the tree of life. Now Adam had done this evil thing willfully and in total rebellion to God. Adam was jealous of God and wanted to be God; to sit in the ‘seat’ of place of authority of God. God had not set Adam up on His throne. He would have, but not yet. So Adam usurped this place and fell into transgression. In order to become worshipped as a god, Adam set up the old covenant of law with its requirement for animal sacrifices, priests, oblations, altars, and stone buildings for temples. All of these things God declares all through His Word that he DESPISES these things. (Isa. one). Hebrews 10. They all came from Adam and God rejected it all. Cain and Adam offered to God the things of law, and God rejected them. God HATES the works of the law. So whenever anyone offered an animal to God, it caused God to REMEMBER this hateful sin of Adam. Heb 10:3 But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. It made God sick. (Isa. One). Everyone who ever killed an animal and offered its blood to God was in rebellion to God. (Isa. 66). Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, so all of the Old Covenant is witchcraft. God gave Adam’s kingdom plenty of time to repent. They continued to multiply until the world was full of people. They were living many hundreds of years and bearing children all that time. But that entire society, except for a very few, was in rebellion to God and worshipping Adam. They were into idol holidays, temples, altars, burnt animals, and all manner of sins and violence. Their world was filled with violence, as it is today. Remember Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah (before that flood) so shall it be in the end of this age. So you may think building temples is not rebellion? Then read this: Ho 8:14 For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples; and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities: but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof.
So as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorra and said this was an example of what will happen to all who live this ungodly life, so was that flood our example. So is many people who are listed in Scripture. Esau was an example of why God drove Adam out of that Garden, to keep him from returning to Grace and finding life again. Esau had committed a willful sin against God. God had set his time for being cut off without mercy. Then Esau sought a place of repentance, carefully, with tears, but COULD NOT FIND IT. Why? God had cut him off. He had refused to repent in the time God gave him. This is exactly what happened to Adam. God had given him time to repent (until that flood) and he (his entire kingdom) had refused. So God cut him off, and would not ever allow him a place of repentance. He could never go to the tree of life = grace, repentance. He had walked too long in his willful disobedience to God. So God cut him off without mercy. God sent that flood upon Adam’s kingdom and destroyed it. This is the example to all who after live ungodly. The burning of Sodom and that area are an example to all who live ungodly. God will cut you off without mercy if you refuse and harden your heart and go on in your willful rebellion to truth.
Most all of Adam’s children went into his way of rebellion. Here is the results: Now these descendents of Seth, who called on the name of the Lord, are the sons of God. The daughters of men were of the family of Cain and any others who were worshipping that devil. Most of them were. THEY were the ones who lifted themselves up above the others and brought them into bondage and slavery. Cain was tilling the ground, means he was enslaving people. He became a great man in the earth. So did Adam. Adam had many more children. Most of his children were wicked and worshipped Adam as god. They all went into law and offered the animal sacrifices. How do I know? Because the whole earth was filled with violence through them and had chosen their own ways and perverted the ways of God. Only a very few of them ever served God.
Those who did were the sons of God. They began to look at the worldly women of the wicked families and married them. Now look what happened to their children. These men were considered to be giants, for they were lifting themselves up above others. They had the big showmanship thing then as now. It was not giants as body size. It was giants as being great and mighty people of the world. It was like our movie stars, and the big preachers, etc. This is the way of law = lifting some up above others to rule over them. Jesus told his people not to do that. He said we are all one. He said love your neighbor as yourself. He said with you it shall not be so that you rule over your brothers. So when you see preachers having power over the church, = ruling over others, this is that Adam spirit of wanting worship. They show themselves to be ‘god’ over the church. Woe unto them. They have gone in the way of Cain.
So when the children of God married these worldly women and had children, the children went the way of the proud and lifted up carnal minded sons of men. The sons of men means those who did not serve God. There were very few of this race of people on the other side of the flood who ever served God. They were into Adam worship. Adam ruled over them. Cain ruled over them. So this caused God to become sorry he had even made man and he decided to destroy them. The righteous line of sons of God had gone through Seth’s family. There had been a few righteous men. Enoch was one of them. At the time of the flood, only one person shows to be righteous and that was Noah. One person out of all those millions of people! His family was righteous enough to come into the ark with Noah. Eight people! As the sons of God married into the sons of men families, their children then went into the ways of the worldly and sought after big, fancy rich things. This caused the number who served God to diminish until almost none of them remained true to God. Those born of these mixed parents were supposed to have remained children of God, but instead they went the way of the sinful parent. This is the very thing which caused God to say My spirit shall not always strive with man. This is why God was angry enough to destroy them. So God set out to destroy man off the earth. But because Noah found grace in the eyes of God, He spared this family. Only by grace can one be saved. Grace is the only thing which can spare anyone from the wrath of God. Noah is the first person said to have found Grace.
But a surprising thing happened which I never knew until a few days ago. After I wrote the Animal Sacrifices, I was studying this in Genesis and God revealed this to me. It truly shocked me. I imagine it will shock you also. But it is true. But knowing this helped me see what I am going to show you now. Gen 8:15 And God spake unto Noah, saying, 8:16 Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. 8:17 Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. 8:18 And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him: 8:19 Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark.
8:20 And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. 8:21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.
Now in order to understand this, you need to study my message on the Animal Sacrifices with this message. Unless you see that Adam was the one who set up Animal Sacrifices, and that God always hated this, you will completely miss this revelation. Remember, Adam was the head of mankind until that flood. Adam is the anti-Christ. He is the one showing himself to be god. His spirit continues all the way down to the very end of time, when he will be cast into the lake of fire forever. [Anti-Christ, Adam, you are being exposed.] The bear head rose up on one side and came down on the other side. This shows Noah coming from the other side of the flood to this side. In the mouth of this bear kingdom was three ribs. This is his three sons and their wives. It was said to the bear kingdom [in Daniel] arise [on the waters] and devour much flesh = that entire world of people! See how perfect the Word is when you have the truth of it!
Now the same God who revealed that to me, showed me this. I showed in the other message how building altars was a thing of law, Adam Worship, and not something God ever asked for. God is not a God of stone. Verse 20, Noah builded an altar unto the LORD. He then proceeded to REESTABLISH animal sacrifices! This is the very thing God had hated so much with the Adam kingdom! And here Noah is reverting right back to that evil way of worship. Why? God asked in Isa. One, who required this of You? He said in Heb.10 I never had any pleasure in those animal sacrifices. He never had any pleasure in people being under law. He hated this. So if he hated it, who brought it up? Certainly not God. Adam did. So now that Noah finds himself as the head over mankind, he reverts right back to law, ruling over others, animal sacrifices. Now all these things are types and shadows of the things which happened in the NT. So where does this show up and prove it? Right after that destruction of the law covenant, at Calvary, after that worst tribulation of all time, the crucifixion of Jesus, and the New World of the Pentecostal Church came in, they immediately reverted right back to the bondage of law. The law is sanctified only by the blood of those animals. It is doing despite to the Spirit of Grace. It is counting the blood of Jesus as an unholy thing. So this is exactly what Noah did!
He had found grace. But now he reverts right back to law. He was righteous. He was living by faith in Jesus’ blood. But now he reverts right back to ANIMAL SACRIFICES. God became angry! God’s thoughts rose up in him to destroy them all again, just wipe them all out right now! Now I know this is true. God revealed this to me. Else why would the next words be said-- the LORD said in his heart [now this shows what God thinks as he watched Noah build that altar and offer those animals up for sacrifice]- I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is EVIL from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. (Remember that God had cursed the ‘ground’ for Adam’s sake. So this took man out of the glorified state, into a body of dust. Thus the ‘ground’ or man, brought forth briars and thorns, which is LAW. So it seems that if God again CURSED the GROUND, or man, then man would be brought lower than the animals, or something of this nature.)
Now unless God was angry at what Noah did, there would have been no reason for these kinds of thoughts to be going through God’s mind. He saw right here that Noah had reverted right back to the evil imaginations of man from the start with Adam. That time before the flood was the time of man’s youth. If what Noah did was not evil, then why would God say the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth? Why was God saying at this particular time that man’s thoughts are evil? It is because the thing Noah did was evil to God. If Noah were being true to God and still righteous, why would God look at him and think man’s imagination is evil? Be sensible, God would not have been thinking this if Noah’s actions were not evil in the sight of God! It says that God smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart...... Now this looks at first as if God is liking what Noah did. But this is not what was the sweet savour to God. It is the very same thing as when God wanted to destroy Israel there with Moses. But Moses intervened for them and showed God that the true Nation of Faith people was inside this rebel group of law, idol worshippers.
Here God looks ahead to the time of Jesus and the true faith people and he said because of them, I will not now let my anger cause me to finish destroying mankind. They are evil minded and will be that way until My Son Jesus comes and redeems them and puts His Holy Spirit into them. Even then, most of them will revert right back to this old Adam worship of Christmas and law. This evil thing has traveled all the way from the Garden of Eden to right now. Moses knew this thing, and that is how he knew this would stop God from destroying all of Israel when He was angry enough to do so. God let this happen to prove this is what happened here with Noah. All of the Word must tie together and reveal it altogether.
Here is full proof that God now sets Noah and his sons up as heads of this world: Gen9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Gen 9:2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. 9:8 And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, G9:9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; That blessing and is the same blessing God placed upon Adam. Here God gives everything on earth into the hands of Noah and His sons, and sets His covenant with them. So this solidly proves that they are the next HEAD over mankind.
Now for more proof that Noah had returned to sin, read what took place next. So see that Noah had allowed sin and evil to infiltrate his family. They had left righteousness and returned to evil. So this causes his kingdom to be a BEAST Kingdom. So now, this solidly proves that Noah is the second HEAD over the beast kingdom. Go back to what Peter and Jude described as a brute BEAST. You will see it was the ones who turned away from righteousness to wickedness. So the very fact that Noah returned to altars of stone and animal sacrifices, proves that he has rejected grace and returned to law as set up by Adam. See this evil came into his family because Noah reverted back to the old Adam way of worship. Not only that, but only a few short years later this entire world of people are all in total agreement to defy God and try to rebuild the type of long life and society they had before the flood. That is the tower of Babel. God was so displeased with what they were doing, He came down and changed their languages and dispersed them over the entire earth.
God revealed or opened up to me what is truly being said about this incident. Carnal minds and human thoughts will NEVER uncover the truth or secrets of God’s word. Only a revelation from God can reveal his truth. Now read this: Gen 9:20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: 9:21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. 9:22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. Gen 9:23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. Gen 9:24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. 9:25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. Now above is the true revelation of what took place with both Adam and Noah. Every PLANT which my Heavenly father hath NOT planted shall be rooted up. See, Adam planted his seed, his kingdom. He brought forth sons. Now Noah became a husbandman. [My Father is the husbandman].....See? It is spiritual. Noah was NOT being a natural husbandman. He was planting his kingdom. He was bringing forth his sons and his religion. This being a husbandman indicates that he has now taken up the same desire Adam had of wanting to be God. (See, Jesus said I am the Vine. My Father is the HUSBANDMAN.) Now God had blessed all four men after the flood and told THEM to be fruitful and multiply, same as he told Adam. So Noah was bringing forth many more children and bringing them into his religion. This is what being a husbandman means. He was not growing natural grapes, anymore than Abel was tending natural, four-legged sheep. After Noah had a great ‘vineyard’, or many people again, whom they had brought up a religion, then Noah drank of their ‘wine’, or false doctrine. Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a vineyard. So this is a spiritual vineyard, not natural grapes or such. Most people think that the Word of God is laid in step-by-step chronological order, and that it all happened right then and there. But this is just not true. These things many times, took long periods of years to happen. When you read it, it may sound like it was just a day or so. But it was not that way. God is only telling us the main events, not how long it took.
Wine represents the joy of the Holy Ghost and the doctrine. See the Wine of Mystery Babylon was her false teachings with which she seduced the world. Now this is the very wine upon which Noah was made ‘drunken’. It is spiritual drunkenness, not natural. He had gone right back to the law system which God hates. He had gone back to ruling over others, which God hates. He had gone back to setting some up over others. He had gone back to stone altars, animal sacrifices, holidays, big fancy Worship temples and receiving pay for being their ‘lord’. How do I know? Because he was drunken with her wine. He was again naked in the sight of God. Everything with the Word keeps declaring that God hates what these rulers over God’s people do. Thus Noah became UNCOVERED, or naked, as did Adam when he transgressed. This solidly proves what God has already shown me -- that Noah backslid.
See that Noah was UNCOVERED in his ‘tent’. The tent means his life or his religion. The ‘tent’ shows the same thing as the Tabernacle which Moses built, for it (the OT covenant) dwelt under tents. So this is showing that Noah was under that OT Covenant of law. The thing of being uncovered or naked shows that he has now lost the glory of God, as did Adam. It shows that he has left Grace and chosen Law again. It is NOT speaking of being unclothed with cloth cloths, anymore that it means Adam had no natural cloths on. It means they had become subtle and wicked. Noah and allowed his ‘plants’ or people to lead him astray. Mostly it was Ham who had led Noah away. This is what it means that he had drunk of the ‘wine’ of his ‘vineyard’. This is spiritual speech as it is throughout the Word of God. (Hurt not the WINE AND OIL.) See? Remember the wine of Babylon had led the world astray? It is this same wine. They were ‘drunken’ with the cares of this life. Read the Word as Spiritual, or you will come up with carnal junk.
Now what about Ham? He ‘SAW’ the nakedness of his father. He accepted this evil ‘wine’ of false doctrine. ‘SEEING’ it is the same meaning as ‘EATING’ it. It means to take it into oneself and accept it. So Ham realized that Noah was now away from God and into Adam or man worship. Then he attempts to bring his two brothers into this same false religion. He tells them about the ‘nakedness’ or lies of Satan. But see that Shem and Japheth refused this false religion. They did the same thing Abel did: they converted Noah back to God and righteousness. God has given me the revelation and proof of how this happened. All of the Word reveals other things in the Word. So by seeing this, which Shem and Japheth did, It proves what I said that Abel did. Abel converted his Mother, Eve, back to righteousness and Grace. Shem and Japheth refused to ‘look’ at Noah’s nakedness, or in other words, they refused to consider this false, law religion of animal sacrifices. They ‘saw’ it not. They would not ‘eat’ of this tree of death. Not only did they refuse this false religion, but they converted Noah back to grace, or the tree of life. This is what it means that they kept their faces ’backward’ to this nakedness, or false religion, and they COVERED their Father. This was the right covering. It is the New Covenant of grace, by the blood of Jesus. They brought Noah out from under the delusion he fell into after the flood = that of animal sacrifices for sins. GLORY !! They brought Noah back to grace. They covered his nakedness. They brought Noah back to God. THAT IS WHY NOAH’S RIGHTEOUSNESS IS MENTIONED IN THE NT.
See it said Noah AWOKE FROM HIS WINE. This means that Noah saw through the lie. He awoke to righteousness as Paul told us to do. Awake to righteousness and SIN NOT. Noah came back to his right mind, that of grace. He repented and was brought back into fellowship with God. His sons did this for him....same as Abel did for Eve. Proves what God showed me about that. Now Noah realizes what Ham had done to him.....= led him into law or false religion. This proves that Ham was instrumental in luring Noah back into Adam-type worship. See, this has been hidden or lost to the world. Ham led Noah into this sin. So it brought the CURSE upon Ham. This means he was cut off from God. So was his son. This proves that Adam and Cain were cursed by God. Law is the curse. So to be under law is to be under the curse. Paul said if you go back to law, you are under the curse and fall from Grace. Then Christ is of no effect to you. So Ham and his sons fell under this curse, for they refused to return to Grace. They loved idols and all that goes with the law religion. You may think that because God told the Israelites how to do the burnt offerings and all those other things that this shows it was of God and that he approved of this. But if that were true then it would cross all those other Scriptures I showed you which proves God never called for these things nor was he ever pleased with them. See you must rightly divide the Scriptures to have truth. God only showed them how to do the law things since they themselves had chosen their own way = to go by the law. So God told them how it must be done, what the law requires. See the law required these things, not God.
Now we know that the Old Testament things they did were only types and shadows of the true Heavenly things to come in the New Testament. So what did this sweet smelling savour God spoke of in Gen. 8:21 represent? It was not that God was pleased with the burnt offerings Noah offered. We know that is not true. But God was looking ahead to this: 2Co 2:15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: See this shows that we are the sweet savour of Christ unto God. This is what God ‘smelled’. Words like ‘smell, hear, eat, taste, see’, are spiritual terms, meaning to understand and accept or take into one’s self. God was not smelling those burnt animals and liking that. He looked ahead to the true Christians, and knew He could not destroy Noah and his family for that would destroy any hope for a holy group of people to serve God in holiness.
Eph 5:1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour. Now see this is the only true sweet smelling savour God ever truly accepted. This was the sacrifice and offering of the body of Jesus for our sins. So this is the sweet savour God smelled, not those burnt animals. God was looking into the future here and not at the dead animals. Years ago I used to puzzle over how and why God would enjoy or want all those animals to be killed. I wondered why He got pleasure or needed all that animal blood to be spread all around. It just did not seem right or like my God to me. Now I know God was giving me those thoughts to question the false teachings of man. Now I know that God never did desire or enjoy or like these animal sacrifices. He only told the people how to do what the law required. It was of Satan, not God.
Eze 20:27 Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me. 20:28 For when I had brought them into the land, for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to them, then they saw every high hill, and all the thick trees, and they offered there their sacrifices, and there they presented the provocation of their offering: there also they made their sweet savour, and poured out there their drink offerings. Eze 20:30 Wherefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers? and commit ye whoredom after their abominations? Now see here God is showing that both when Noah was brought into the land God gave him [the entire earth this side of the flood] and when he brought the Israelites into their promised land, that they went to their sacrifices and their drink offerings and called it their sweet savour, but see that God said they were polluted after the manner of their fathers, [those on the other side of the flood]. He called this whoredom after their abominations. Those things of animal sacrifices were an abomination to God. They were the righteous city of Adam becoming the whore against God by this their whoredoms. So then, Noah’s kingdom also became a whore against God, by the very same evil sacrifices, which God hated. This is too clear here for anyone to miss this. Now I have shown you that after the flood Noah reverted right back to these same old sins. When Noah found himself the HEAD over mankind, he too, desired to be lifted up and be worshipped. This desire for power over others is the damning sin of Adam and therefore all of mankind. This is exactly why the church has set up the pastoral system, so that men can rule over others. It is of the devil. Jesus told his people not to do so. Jesus went in the exact opposite way from Adam. He had to in order to be a true servant of God and be able to become our saviour or covering. This is exactly why Satan (Adam’s spirit) was trying to get Jesus to set himself up as a king; he knew this would cause Jesus to fall into the same old sin and rebellion. That would leave Adam as the head over man forever.
The second kingdom, of which Noah was the head, rose itself up on the other side of that flood. Noah and his family had lived a godly life in the midst of total sin and depravation of an entire world of people. They had found grace in the midst of a world full of people under that bondage of law, man worship, idol holidays, and all manner of sin and rebellion against Godliness. They actually stood alone in their life for the true God. They were surrounded by millions, maybe billions of evil, violent haters of good, yet they had stayed true to the living God. Thus they were set apart from the evil kingdom of that first head. When they entered that ark, the new kingdom rose up on the waters and descended into a new world where they could now either go on with God, serve Him in His chosen way, or revert back to the old sinful kingdom they had been delivered from. A fact which has been covered up and lost to the knowledge of people of today was revealed to me by God. He showed me that Noah backslid and went right back to the old ways of which God hated and had delivered them from. When Noah found himself the head of mankind, he went the very same path his father, Adam, had gone! Grace is the only means of escaping the Wrath of God. This is how Noah escaped the flood. Noah was the very first person named in Scripture which found Grace. Lot is the next one. See then that Lot escaped the burning of Sodom.
God called Noah and his family to come into the ark. They were safe in the ark, a type of Jesus or grace. They were delivered from that wrath which came upon that first kingdom. Now I will show you a verse which shows how the ‘wings’ of that lion kingdom was ‘plucked’ : Gen 7:22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. That ‘breath’ of LIFE was the very life-power of God. He had breathed this life or God-like power into man. This is why they could live so long and reproduce for hundreds of years. At the flood, all of them who had this ‘breath’ of LIFE were destroyed. God took it back from man. Now we must be GIVEN life from Jesus or die in sins. This plucked those Eagles Wings which the first kingdom had. Never again would man see that kind of life and power. Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark. Gen 7:24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. The waters were upon the earth 150 days. Why? It shows the coming into Pentecost. After this great power of the Holy Ghost came to men, they very soon reverted right BACK to that bondage of LAW. They followed the same pattern of this Second Head Kingdom, Noah, the Bear kingdom. Gen 8:1....God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged; (This types the coming of the Holy Ghost to give a new kingdom, or type of life on earth. This wind from God took away the ‘wrath’ which had destroyed the first kingdom. The same water which destroyed them, saved this new kingdom. So the Holy Ghost saves some but is the destruction to those who refuse it.
Gen 8:13 And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry. Noah’s removing the covering represents the removal of that anointed covering of Adam. Now these people will be mere dust folks, not God-like. Being dry also represents that this kingdom does not have the washing of the water, in Baptism nor the Holy Ghost. It is still a kingdom of Beast. Let me show you a little something right here. Adam was created on the sixth day. His kingdom ended in the six-hundredth year of Noah’s life. Now in the six-hundredth and first year of his life, Noah came out of the ark. It was on the first month, the first day of that month. So see the number of man portrayed right here-- 666. And the first day and first month showing a new beginning, as Noah began a new world, apart from that old world before the flood.
Read the rest of chapter 8. When Noah went OUT of the ark, they backslid right back to the law and killing animals. Notice God now said the imagination of man’s heart is only EVIL. See, now Noah’s heart had turned EVIL, as did Adam’s! People open your eyes and SEE the truth! Look what God said next: Gen 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Noah was condemned to STAY in the ‘earth’ stage of mankind. This is carnality. See God pronounced the curse upon them, that they must CONTINUE to work for their bread by seedtime and harvest; they would continue to have cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night. See, in the New Kingdom Jesus will bring, there will no longer be these extreme conditions and there will be no night, which represents sins and Satan’s kingdom. See then that Noah was NOT delivered from these things, for he had returned back to being sinful, as was Adam. But now I do believe that Noah was deceived as was Eve. I believe Noah thought that since this was the only way of life he had seen on the other side of the flood, that this was what he now needed to do, being the head of man. I know that Noah later repented of this and turned back to God. Why? Because the Word of God mentions in the New Testament that Noah had been a preacher of righteousness! God did not remember his sins against him! See it was told about in such a way that everyone has missed it. This is the same way Eve was spoken of. The last time either of them are mentioned in Scripture, God remembers only RIGHTEOUSNESS for both of them. This proves they repented and were saved! Glory. Adam has never and will never repent and find salvation. No righteousness is EVER mentioned for Adam.
Now for solid PROOF that God set Noah up as head over man: Gen 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Gen 9:2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. *This is the very same words God said to Adam when He set Adam up as head over the earth. So God now has established that both Noah and his sons will be heads over man.*
When Eric and I were first getting into this revelation, we wondered what could the three ribs in the mouth of this Bear be? At first I said I know the ark had three stories -- but in my heart I knew this was not the answer. That nine-year-old child said, It was his three sons. I knew immediately that this was the true answer. God let me know. God spoke through a child. God took a RIB out of Adam and made a woman. She was now bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh. Thus the two of them were able to reproduce other people just like themselves. This then is the RIB. Noah had three sons and they were married. So now there were three ‘RIBS’ in the ‘mouth’ of this new kingdom. They were going to reproduce another world in their own likeness-- now mortal flesh, made of dust. They [God] said unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. See it arose up on the flood and devoured all the flesh on earth except those in the ark. When you seek for the meaning of Scripture, you must find in Scripture something which fully explains each and every aspect of the verse. If you do not have this, then you cannot say with any certainty that you have truth. I have searched for many, many years for these answers, but never found them. When God spoke to me and told me this, then I could fully see how this fits exactly what is written. I know of nothing else which could and does fit these words. Do you? If so, bring it forth. People of God, I know in my heart my God showed me this. I know it is the true answer. It will help open up many mysteries in the Word which have been closed up before this revelation. See, God put Adam to sleep and took out a ‘rib’ and from this made He a woman. So, these three sons and their wives were these three ribs. The two shall be one - they were the ones who could reproduce another world of people after the flood = the ribs. By: Jo Smith |
From: Freeborn22 (Original Message) | Sent: 8/9/2006 1:12 PM |
~~ The Second Head ~~
I had studied these things many years. I never had any idea what the Bear head could be. I never had any idea what the three ribs in its mouth could be. I never had any idea what ‘raising itself up on one side’ could possibly mean. But that night God spoke to me that this head was Noah. I wondered how could this be? Then God showed me this: Noah was this head. When the flood came, it was raised up on that side of the flood, but came back down on this side of the flood. Daniel 7:5 And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.
In order to understand this second kingdom, or head, you must get a full knowledge of that first head, Adam. His kingdom had so polluted itself and turned away from God that God had cut Adam off. Most people think that God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden before they had any children, but this is not true. When it speaks of the birth of their children it is only showing what did happen to them, not when. God pronounced a judgment upon them, but did not execute this judgment at the time He spoke it. God ALWAYS gives man a space to repent in. After they refuse to repent in that time, then God brings their judgment upon them.. This message will be exceptionally long, but I am going to bring in many things, secrets, of God which He has revealed to me. Since these things have gone covered up for so long, I must go into all the details for anyone to ever see this and accept it.
I must nail down to you this first kingdom or you will never be able to see the others. If you desire any truth, pray and seek for God to show you if this is true or not. Don’t just close your eyes and harden your heart. Open your heart and allow God to speak to you. Else you will end up like Adam in this: Gen 3:22, 23, God sent Adam forth from the Garden lest he put forth his hand and take of the tree of life and eat and live forever. Now what does this mean? Adam had started out in Grace or Life. He had started out glorified, in the image of God. He had started out righteous, perfect. Yet he turned to wickedness and rejected life, or grace, and picked up on the law covenant, or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Here is God’s requirement to be permitted to the tree of life: Re 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. See then, that Adam had not kept the true commandments of God. He had no right to the tree of life. Now Adam had done this evil thing willfully and in total rebellion to God. Adam was jealous of God and wanted to be God; to sit in the ‘seat’ of place of authority of God. God had not set Adam up on His throne. He would have, but not yet. So Adam usurped this place and fell into transgression. In order to become worshipped as a god, Adam set up the old covenant of law with its requirement for animal sacrifices, priests, oblations, altars, and stone buildings for temples. All of these things God declares all through His Word that he DESPISES these things. (Isa. one). Hebrews 10. They all came from Adam and God rejected it all. Cain and Adam offered to God the things of law, and God rejected them. God HATES the works of the law. So whenever anyone offered an animal to God, it caused God to REMEMBER this hateful sin of Adam. Heb 10:3 But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. It made God sick. (Isa. One). Everyone who ever killed an animal and offered its blood to God was in rebellion to God. (Isa. 66). Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, so all of the Old Covenant is witchcraft. God gave Adam’s kingdom plenty of time to repent. They continued to multiply until the world was full of people. They were living many hundreds of years and bearing children all that time. But that entire society, except for a very few, was in rebellion to God and worshipping Adam. They were into idol holidays, temples, altars, burnt animals, and all manner of sins and violence. Their world was filled with violence, as it is today. Remember Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah (before that flood) so shall it be in the end of this age. So you may think building temples is not rebellion? Then read this: Ho 8:14 For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples; and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities: but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof.
So as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorra and said this was an example of what will happen to all who live this ungodly life, so was that flood our example. So is many people who are listed in Scripture. Esau was an example of why God drove Adam out of that Garden, to keep him from returning to Grace and finding life again. Esau had committed a willful sin against God. God had set his time for being cut off without mercy. Then Esau sought a place of repentance, carefully, with tears, but COULD NOT FIND IT. Why? God had cut him off. He had refused to repent in the time God gave him. This is exactly what happened to Adam. God had given him time to repent (until that flood) and he (his entire kingdom) had refused. So God cut him off, and would not ever allow him a place of repentance. He could never go to the tree of life = grace, repentance. He had walked too long in his willful disobedience to God. So God cut him off without mercy. God sent that flood upon Adam’s kingdom and destroyed it. This is the example to all who after live ungodly. The burning of Sodom and that area are an example to all who live ungodly. God will cut you off without mercy if you refuse and harden your heart and go on in your willful rebellion to truth.
Most all of Adam’s children went into his way of rebellion. Here is the results: Now these descendents of Seth, who called on the name of the Lord, are the sons of God. The daughters of men were of the family of Cain and any others who were worshipping that devil. Most of them were. THEY were the ones who lifted themselves up above the others and brought them into bondage and slavery. Cain was tilling the ground, means he was enslaving people. He became a great man in the earth. So did Adam. Adam had many more children. Most of his children were wicked and worshipped Adam as god. They all went into law and offered the animal sacrifices. How do I know? Because the whole earth was filled with violence through them and had chosen their own ways and perverted the ways of God. Only a very few of them ever served God.
Those who did were the sons of God. They began to look at the worldly women of the wicked families and married them. Now look what happened to their children. These men were considered to be giants, for they were lifting themselves up above others. They had the big showmanship thing then as now. It was not giants as body size. It was giants as being great and mighty people of the world. It was like our movie stars, and the big preachers, etc. This is the way of law = lifting some up above others to rule over them. Jesus told his people not to do that. He said we are all one. He said love your neighbor as yourself. He said with you it shall not be so that you rule over your brothers. So when you see preachers having power over the church, = ruling over others, this is that Adam spirit of wanting worship. They show themselves to be ‘god’ over the church. Woe unto them. They have gone in the way of Cain.
So when the children of God married these worldly women and had children, the children went the way of the proud and lifted up carnal minded sons of men. The sons of men means those who did not serve God. There were very few of this race of people on the other side of the flood who ever served God. They were into Adam worship. Adam ruled over them. Cain ruled over them. So this caused God to become sorry he had even made man and he decided to destroy them. The righteous line of sons of God had gone through Seth’s family. There had been a few righteous men. Enoch was one of them. At the time of the flood, only one person shows to be righteous and that was Noah. One person out of all those millions of people! His family was righteous enough to come into the ark with Noah. Eight people! As the sons of God married into the sons of men families, their children then went into the ways of the worldly and sought after big, fancy rich things. This caused the number who served God to diminish until almost none of them remained true to God. Those born of these mixed parents were supposed to have remained children of God, but instead they went the way of the sinful parent. This is the very thing which caused God to say My spirit shall not always strive with man. This is why God was angry enough to destroy them. So God set out to destroy man off the earth. But because Noah found grace in the eyes of God, He spared this family. Only by grace can one be saved. Grace is the only thing which can spare anyone from the wrath of God. Noah is the first person said to have found Grace.
But a surprising thing happened which I never knew until a few days ago. After I wrote the Animal Sacrifices, I was studying this in Genesis and God revealed this to me. It truly shocked me. I imagine it will shock you also. But it is true. But knowing this helped me see what I am going to show you now. Gen 8:15 And God spake unto Noah, saying, 8:16 Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. 8:17 Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. 8:18 And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him: 8:19 Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark.
8:20 And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. 8:21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.
Now in order to understand this, you need to study my message on the Animal Sacrifices with this message. Unless you see that Adam was the one who set up Animal Sacrifices, and that God always hated this, you will completely miss this revelation. Remember, Adam was the head of mankind until that flood. Adam is the anti-Christ. He is the one showing himself to be god. His spirit continues all the way down to the very end of time, when he will be cast into the lake of fire forever. [Anti-Christ, Adam, you are being exposed.] The bear head rose up on one side and came down on the other side. This shows Noah coming from the other side of the flood to this side. In the mouth of this bear kingdom was three ribs. This is his three sons and their wives. It was said to the bear kingdom [in Daniel] arise [on the waters] and devour much flesh = that entire world of people! See how perfect the Word is when you have the truth of it!
Now the same God who revealed that to me, showed me this. I showed in the other message how building altars was a thing of law, Adam Worship, and not something God ever asked for. God is not a God of stone. Verse 20, Noah builded an altar unto the LORD. He then proceeded to REESTABLISH animal sacrifices! This is the very thing God had hated so much with the Adam kingdom! And here Noah is reverting right back to that evil way of worship. Why? God asked in Isa. One, who required this of You? He said in Heb.10 I never had any pleasure in those animal sacrifices. He never had any pleasure in people being under law. He hated this. So if he hated it, who brought it up? Certainly not God. Adam did. So now that Noah finds himself as the head over mankind, he reverts right back to law, ruling over others, animal sacrifices. Now all these things are types and shadows of the things which happened in the NT. So where does this show up and prove it? Right after that destruction of the law covenant, at Calvary, after that worst tribulation of all time, the crucifixion of Jesus, and the New World of the Pentecostal Church came in, they immediately reverted right back to the bondage of law. The law is sanctified only by the blood of those animals. It is doing despite to the Spirit of Grace. It is counting the blood of Jesus as an unholy thing. So this is exactly what Noah did!
He had found grace. But now he reverts right back to law. He was righteous. He was living by faith in Jesus’ blood. But now he reverts right back to ANIMAL SACRIFICES. God became angry! God’s thoughts rose up in him to destroy them all again, just wipe them all out right now! Now I know this is true. God revealed this to me. Else why would the next words be said-- the LORD said in his heart [now this shows what God thinks as he watched Noah build that altar and offer those animals up for sacrifice]- I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is EVIL from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. (Remember that God had cursed the ‘ground’ for Adam’s sake. So this took man out of the glorified state, into a body of dust. Thus the ‘ground’ or man, brought forth briars and thorns, which is LAW. So it seems that if God again CURSED the GROUND, or man, then man would be brought lower than the animals, or something of this nature.)
Now unless God was angry at what Noah did, there would have been no reason for these kinds of thoughts to be going through God’s mind. He saw right here that Noah had reverted right back to the evil imaginations of man from the start with Adam. That time before the flood was the time of man’s youth. If what Noah did was not evil, then why would God say the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth? Why was God saying at this particular time that man’s thoughts are evil? It is because the thing Noah did was evil to God. If Noah were being true to God and still righteous, why would God look at him and think man’s imagination is evil? Be sensible, God would not have been thinking this if Noah’s actions were not evil in the sight of God! It says that God smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart...... Now this looks at first as if God is liking what Noah did. But this is not what was the sweet savour to God. It is the very same thing as when God wanted to destroy Israel there with Moses. But Moses intervened for them and showed God that the true Nation of Faith people was inside this rebel group of law, idol worshippers.
Here God looks ahead to the time of Jesus and the true faith people and he said because of them, I will not now let my anger cause me to finish destroying mankind. They are evil minded and will be that way until My Son Jesus comes and redeems them and puts His Holy Spirit into them. Even then, most of them will revert right back to this old Adam worship of Christmas and law. This evil thing has traveled all the way from the Garden of Eden to right now. Moses knew this thing, and that is how he knew this would stop God from destroying all of Israel when He was angry enough to do so. God let this happen to prove this is what happened here with Noah. All of the Word must tie together and reveal it altogether.
Here is full proof that God now sets Noah and his sons up as heads of this world: Gen9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Gen 9:2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. 9:8 And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, G9:9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; That blessing and is the same blessing God placed upon Adam. Here God gives everything on earth into the hands of Noah and His sons, and sets His covenant with them. So this solidly proves that they are the next HEAD over mankind.
Now for more proof that Noah had returned to sin, read what took place next. So see that Noah had allowed sin and evil to infiltrate his family. They had left righteousness and returned to evil. So this causes his kingdom to be a BEAST Kingdom. So now, this solidly proves that Noah is the second HEAD over the beast kingdom. Go back to what Peter and Jude described as a brute BEAST. You will see it was the ones who turned away from righteousness to wickedness. So the very fact that Noah returned to altars of stone and animal sacrifices, proves that he has rejected grace and returned to law as set up by Adam. See this evil came into his family because Noah reverted back to the old Adam way of worship. Not only that, but only a few short years later this entire world of people are all in total agreement to defy God and try to rebuild the type of long life and society they had before the flood. That is the tower of Babel. God was so displeased with what they were doing, He came down and changed their languages and dispersed them over the entire earth.
God revealed or opened up to me what is truly being said about this incident. Carnal minds and human thoughts will NEVER uncover the truth or secrets of God’s word. Only a revelation from God can reveal his truth. Now read this: Gen 9:20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: 9:21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. 9:22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. Gen 9:23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. Gen 9:24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. 9:25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. Now above is the true revelation of what took place with both Adam and Noah. Every PLANT which my Heavenly father hath NOT planted shall be rooted up. See, Adam planted his seed, his kingdom. He brought forth sons. Now Noah became a husbandman. [My Father is the husbandman].....See? It is spiritual. Noah was NOT being a natural husbandman. He was planting his kingdom. He was bringing forth his sons and his religion. This being a husbandman indicates that he has now taken up the same desire Adam had of wanting to be God. (See, Jesus said I am the Vine. My Father is the HUSBANDMAN.) Now God had blessed all four men after the flood and told THEM to be fruitful and multiply, same as he told Adam. So Noah was bringing forth many more children and bringing them into his religion. This is what being a husbandman means. He was not growing natural grapes, anymore than Abel was tending natural, four-legged sheep. After Noah had a great ‘vineyard’, or many people again, whom they had brought up a religion, then Noah drank of their ‘wine’, or false doctrine. Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a vineyard. So this is a spiritual vineyard, not natural grapes or such. Most people think that the Word of God is laid in step-by-step chronological order, and that it all happened right then and there. But this is just not true. These things many times, took long periods of years to happen. When you read it, it may sound like it was just a day or so. But it was not that way. God is only telling us the main events, not how long it took.
Wine represents the joy of the Holy Ghost and the doctrine. See the Wine of Mystery Babylon was her false teachings with which she seduced the world. Now this is the very wine upon which Noah was made ‘drunken’. It is spiritual drunkenness, not natural. He had gone right back to the law system which God hates. He had gone back to ruling over others, which God hates. He had gone back to setting some up over others. He had gone back to stone altars, animal sacrifices, holidays, big fancy Worship temples and receiving pay for being their ‘lord’. How do I know? Because he was drunken with her wine. He was again naked in the sight of God. Everything with the Word keeps declaring that God hates what these rulers over God’s people do. Thus Noah became UNCOVERED, or naked, as did Adam when he transgressed. This solidly proves what God has already shown me -- that Noah backslid.
See that Noah was UNCOVERED in his ‘tent’. The tent means his life or his religion. The ‘tent’ shows the same thing as the Tabernacle which Moses built, for it (the OT covenant) dwelt under tents. So this is showing that Noah was under that OT Covenant of law. The thing of being uncovered or naked shows that he has now lost the glory of God, as did Adam. It shows that he has left Grace and chosen Law again. It is NOT speaking of being unclothed with cloth cloths, anymore that it means Adam had no natural cloths on. It means they had become subtle and wicked. Noah and allowed his ‘plants’ or people to lead him astray. Mostly it was Ham who had led Noah away. This is what it means that he had drunk of the ‘wine’ of his ‘vineyard’. This is spiritual speech as it is throughout the Word of God. (Hurt not the WINE AND OIL.) See? Remember the wine of Babylon had led the world astray? It is this same wine. They were ‘drunken’ with the cares of this life. Read the Word as Spiritual, or you will come up with carnal junk.
Now what about Ham? He ‘SAW’ the nakedness of his father. He accepted this evil ‘wine’ of false doctrine. ‘SEEING’ it is the same meaning as ‘EATING’ it. It means to take it into oneself and accept it. So Ham realized that Noah was now away from God and into Adam or man worship. Then he attempts to bring his two brothers into this same false religion. He tells them about the ‘nakedness’ or lies of Satan. But see that Shem and Japheth refused this false religion. They did the same thing Abel did: they converted Noah back to God and righteousness. God has given me the revelation and proof of how this happened. All of the Word reveals other things in the Word. So by seeing this, which Shem and Japheth did, It proves what I said that Abel did. Abel converted his Mother, Eve, back to righteousness and Grace. Shem and Japheth refused to ‘look’ at Noah’s nakedness, or in other words, they refused to consider this false, law religion of animal sacrifices. They ‘saw’ it not. They would not ‘eat’ of this tree of death. Not only did they refuse this false religion, but they converted Noah back to grace, or the tree of life. This is what it means that they kept their faces ’backward’ to this nakedness, or false religion, and they COVERED their Father. This was the right covering. It is the New Covenant of grace, by the blood of Jesus. They brought Noah out from under the delusion he fell into after the flood = that of animal sacrifices for sins. GLORY !! They brought Noah back to grace. They covered his nakedness. They brought Noah back to God. THAT IS WHY NOAH’S RIGHTEOUSNESS IS MENTIONED IN THE NT.
See it said Noah AWOKE FROM HIS WINE. This means that Noah saw through the lie. He awoke to righteousness as Paul told us to do. Awake to righteousness and SIN NOT. Noah came back to his right mind, that of grace. He repented and was brought back into fellowship with God. His sons did this for him....same as Abel did for Eve. Proves what God showed me about that. Now Noah realizes what Ham had done to him.....= led him into law or false religion. This proves that Ham was instrumental in luring Noah back into Adam-type worship. See, this has been hidden or lost to the world. Ham led Noah into this sin. So it brought the CURSE upon Ham. This means he was cut off from God. So was his son. This proves that Adam and Cain were cursed by God. Law is the curse. So to be under law is to be under the curse. Paul said if you go back to law, you are under the curse and fall from Grace. Then Christ is of no effect to you. So Ham and his sons fell under this curse, for they refused to return to Grace. They loved idols and all that goes with the law religion. You may think that because God told the Israelites how to do the burnt offerings and all those other things that this shows it was of God and that he approved of this. But if that were true then it would cross all those other Scriptures I showed you which proves God never called for these things nor was he ever pleased with them. See you must rightly divide the Scriptures to have truth. God only showed them how to do the law things since they themselves had chosen their own way = to go by the law. So God told them how it must be done, what the law requires. See the law required these things, not God.
Now we know that the Old Testament things they did were only types and shadows of the true Heavenly things to come in the New Testament. So what did this sweet smelling savour God spoke of in Gen. 8:21 represent? It was not that God was pleased with the burnt offerings Noah offered. We know that is not true. But God was looking ahead to this: 2Co 2:15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: See this shows that we are the sweet savour of Christ unto God. This is what God ‘smelled’. Words like ‘smell, hear, eat, taste, see’, are spiritual terms, meaning to understand and accept or take into one’s self. God was not smelling those burnt animals and liking that. He looked ahead to the true Christians, and knew He could not destroy Noah and his family for that would destroy any hope for a holy group of people to serve God in holiness.
Eph 5:1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour. Now see this is the only true sweet smelling savour God ever truly accepted. This was the sacrifice and offering of the body of Jesus for our sins. So this is the sweet savour God smelled, not those burnt animals. God was looking into the future here and not at the dead animals. Years ago I used to puzzle over how and why God would enjoy or want all those animals to be killed. I wondered why He got pleasure or needed all that animal blood to be spread all around. It just did not seem right or like my God to me. Now I know God was giving me those thoughts to question the false teachings of man. Now I know that God never did desire or enjoy or like these animal sacrifices. He only told the people how to do what the law required. It was of Satan, not God.
Eze 20:27 Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me. 20:28 For when I had brought them into the land, for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to them, then they saw every high hill, and all the thick trees, and they offered there their sacrifices, and there they presented the provocation of their offering: there also they made their sweet savour, and poured out there their drink offerings. Eze 20:30 Wherefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers? and commit ye whoredom after their abominations? Now see here God is showing that both when Noah was brought into the land God gave him [the entire earth this side of the flood] and when he brought the Israelites into their promised land, that they went to their sacrifices and their drink offerings and called it their sweet savour, but see that God said they were polluted after the manner of their fathers, [those on the other side of the flood]. He called this whoredom after their abominations. Those things of animal sacrifices were an abomination to God. They were the righteous city of Adam becoming the whore against God by this their whoredoms. So then, Noah’s kingdom also became a whore against God, by the very same evil sacrifices, which God hated. This is too clear here for anyone to miss this. Now I have shown you that after the flood Noah reverted right back to these same old sins. When Noah found himself the HEAD over mankind, he too, desired to be lifted up and be worshipped. This desire for power over others is the damning sin of Adam and therefore all of mankind. This is exactly why the church has set up the pastoral system, so that men can rule over others. It is of the devil. Jesus told his people not to do so. Jesus went in the exact opposite way from Adam. He had to in order to be a true servant of God and be able to become our saviour or covering. This is exactly why Satan (Adam’s spirit) was trying to get Jesus to set himself up as a king; he knew this would cause Jesus to fall into the same old sin and rebellion. That would leave Adam as the head over man forever.
The second kingdom, of which Noah was the head, rose itself up on the other side of that flood. Noah and his family had lived a godly life in the midst of total sin and depravation of an entire world of people. They had found grace in the midst of a world full of people under that bondage of law, man worship, idol holidays, and all manner of sin and rebellion against Godliness. They actually stood alone in their life for the true God. They were surrounded by millions, maybe billions of evil, violent haters of good, yet they had stayed true to the living God. Thus they were set apart from the evil kingdom of that first head. When they entered that ark, the new kingdom rose up on the waters and descended into a new world where they could now either go on with God, serve Him in His chosen way, or revert back to the old sinful kingdom they had been delivered from. A fact which has been covered up and lost to the knowledge of people of today was revealed to me by God. He showed me that Noah backslid and went right back to the old ways of which God hated and had delivered them from. When Noah found himself the head of mankind, he went the very same path his father, Adam, had gone! Grace is the only means of escaping the Wrath of God. This is how Noah escaped the flood. Noah was the very first person named in Scripture which found Grace. Lot is the next one. See then that Lot escaped the burning of Sodom.
God called Noah and his family to come into the ark. They were safe in the ark, a type of Jesus or grace. They were delivered from that wrath which came upon that first kingdom. Now I will show you a verse which shows how the ‘wings’ of that lion kingdom was ‘plucked’ : Gen 7:22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. That ‘breath’ of LIFE was the very life-power of God. He had breathed this life or God-like power into man. This is why they could live so long and reproduce for hundreds of years. At the flood, all of them who had this ‘breath’ of LIFE were destroyed. God took it back from man. Now we must be GIVEN life from Jesus or die in sins. This plucked those Eagles Wings which the first kingdom had. Never again would man see that kind of life and power. Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark. Gen 7:24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. The waters were upon the earth 150 days. Why? It shows the coming into Pentecost. After this great power of the Holy Ghost came to men, they very soon reverted right BACK to that bondage of LAW. They followed the same pattern of this Second Head Kingdom, Noah, the Bear kingdom. Gen 8:1....God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged; (This types the coming of the Holy Ghost to give a new kingdom, or type of life on earth. This wind from God took away the ‘wrath’ which had destroyed the first kingdom. The same water which destroyed them, saved this new kingdom. So the Holy Ghost saves some but is the destruction to those who refuse it.
Gen 8:13 And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry. Noah’s removing the covering represents the removal of that anointed covering of Adam. Now these people will be mere dust folks, not God-like. Being dry also represents that this kingdom does not have the washing of the water, in Baptism nor the Holy Ghost. It is still a kingdom of Beast. Let me show you a little something right here. Adam was created on the sixth day. His kingdom ended in the six-hundredth year of Noah’s life. Now in the six-hundredth and first year of his life, Noah came out of the ark. It was on the first month, the first day of that month. So see the number of man portrayed right here-- 666. And the first day and first month showing a new beginning, as Noah began a new world, apart from that old world before the flood.
Read the rest of chapter 8. When Noah went OUT of the ark, they backslid right back to the law and killing animals. Notice God now said the imagination of man’s heart is only EVIL. See, now Noah’s heart had turned EVIL, as did Adam’s! People open your eyes and SEE the truth! Look what God said next: Gen 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Noah was condemned to STAY in the ‘earth’ stage of mankind. This is carnality. See God pronounced the curse upon them, that they must CONTINUE to work for their bread by seedtime and harvest; they would continue to have cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night. See, in the New Kingdom Jesus will bring, there will no longer be these extreme conditions and there will be no night, which represents sins and Satan’s kingdom. See then that Noah was NOT delivered from these things, for he had returned back to being sinful, as was Adam. But now I do believe that Noah was deceived as was Eve. I believe Noah thought that since this was the only way of life he had seen on the other side of the flood, that this was what he now needed to do, being the head of man. I know that Noah later repented of this and turned back to God. Why? Because the Word of God mentions in the New Testament that Noah had been a preacher of righteousness! God did not remember his sins against him! See it was told about in such a way that everyone has missed it. This is the same way Eve was spoken of. The last time either of them are mentioned in Scripture, God remembers only RIGHTEOUSNESS for both of them. This proves they repented and were saved! Glory. Adam has never and will never repent and find salvation. No righteousness is EVER mentioned for Adam.
Now for solid PROOF that God set Noah up as head over man: Gen 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Gen 9:2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. *This is the very same words God said to Adam when He set Adam up as head over the earth. So God now has established that both Noah and his sons will be heads over man.*
When Eric and I were first getting into this revelation, we wondered what could the three ribs in the mouth of this Bear be? At first I said I know the ark had three stories -- but in my heart I knew this was not the answer. That nine-year-old child said, It was his three sons. I knew immediately that this was the true answer. God let me know. God spoke through a child. God took a RIB out of Adam and made a woman. She was now bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh. Thus the two of them were able to reproduce other people just like themselves. This then is the RIB. Noah had three sons and they were married. So now there were three ‘RIBS’ in the ‘mouth’ of this new kingdom. They were going to reproduce another world in their own likeness-- now mortal flesh, made of dust. They [God] said unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. See it arose up on the flood and devoured all the flesh on earth except those in the ark. When you seek for the meaning of Scripture, you must find in Scripture something which fully explains each and every aspect of the verse. If you do not have this, then you cannot say with any certainty that you have truth. I have searched for many, many years for these answers, but never found them. When God spoke to me and told me this, then I could fully see how this fits exactly what is written. I know of nothing else which could and does fit these words. Do you? If so, bring it forth. People of God, I know in my heart my God showed me this. I know it is the true answer. It will help open up many mysteries in the Word which have been closed up before this revelation. See, God put Adam to sleep and took out a ‘rib’ and from this made He a woman. So, these three sons and their wives were these three ribs. The two shall be one - they were the ones who could reproduce another world of people after the flood = the ribs. By: Jo Smith |
