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  • Rank:Acts
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:11/07/2015 6:55 PMCopy HTML

Many folks today, who are so deep into traditions of man, worshiping idols, that they cannot even imagine a God who sets up things so precise that even the sun does not deviate from the course set for it by the Creator, God.
In the OT, God set up certain days that he wanted them to keep each year. God told them, I mean He ALWAYS told them the exact day to do this thing on. It had to be in a certain month on a certain day. God NEVER at any time left any of this up to some man to just decide on when or how to do these things.

Passover had to be done on a certain day, in a certain month. No deviations. It means something to God.

But now the millions of deceived folks believe that God all of a sudden stopped caring about such things and haphazardly lets some idol worshiping church, (catholic) and all her daughters, up and just move some old idol worship day over into 'church' and pretend it is a God-inspired birthday celebration for his son, Jesus.

Now mind you, God did not ever say to do this, hence, it is FORBIDDEN. God did not tell them when this was, (or so they say)...and He did not tell them how to do this thing....YET THEY ARE SO 'SANCTIMONIOUS' THAT THEY ARE GOING TO KEEP CHRIST IN THIS HEATHEN HOLIDAY.

Mind you, God did not command them to do this thing. and he certainly did not tell them to do it on Dec 25... so their 'god' is one who does not care and is not in control anymore.

and I am told that if I study scripture I would come to believe.........believe WHAT? this devil-inspired holiday?

Yet, they never give me one single verse. so where is their 'knowledge' of Scripture. I give hundreds where God's word FORBIDS EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS HEATHEN RITUAL.

You people who think you can keep your 'christ' in this evil holiday, prove you know not one single thing about the True Jesus or the True God.

He is so precise, He would never allow his people to just make up a day such as this, and just decide when and how to do it.

You people have not one single truth to stand on. Yet you feel so religious. You also prove you care not one thing about what God wants in any matter.

I say it proves you are NOT GOD'S CHILDREN.

by: Jo Smith... Nov 7, 2015

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