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Date Posted:03/09/2021 10:11 PMCopy HTML

~~ Condition for Destruction ~~

There comes a certain time in which God will cut off any society and destroy them. There are certain conditions, which are always present when God reaches a point where he will no longer strive with man.

Jesus gives us clues and symptoms by which we can know when it is near time for destruction. Those conditions are at a full head right now in the church world and the whole society around us.

Seven is the number of completion with God. He finishes the week in seven days. This is a pattern with God. It is one of the secrets. The ‘beast’ had seven heads. This means that mankind was headed up under seven major ‘nations’. You know that Revelation reveals that Satan is described as having seven heads and 10 horns. There were four great beasts (kings; kingdoms)-- told about in Daniel. These four kingdoms had in all seven heads and 10 horns. These were completed in the Old Testament.

Now this is something God himself revealed to me. I have never heard this taught. If someone else has taught this, I have not run across it. The first HEAD of mankind, the first of these four great kings, was ADAM. Yes, that is right. You know that the society before the flood has to be accounted for in the Word of God. So this is that first HEAD on that beast kingdom. This extended from Adam up to Noah. I know it is not common knowledge, but that society was not cast out of the Garden of Eden until the flood. I have only recently been shown this for sure. I saw touches of it long ago.

Ezekiel 28

1. The word of the Lord came again unto me, saying,

2. Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord God; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:

Now here in this Scripture is one of the prevailing conditions which exists just before God’s anger is aroused enough to cause him to send destruction to a society. This spirit of man wanting to be God; of thinking that he is god and has no need of God. This thing of thinking “I sit in the seat of God.”. This is a signal that destruction is near.

Luke 12: 15. And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things, which he possesseth.

16. And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully:

17. And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?

18. And he said this will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.

19. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.

20. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?

21. So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.

Now here is another condition which signals that a society is near the time of destruction, this ‘spirit’ of the rich man. Now this rich man is not speaking of any individual. It is speaking of a prevailing condition at a certain time. It is a spirit of being insatiable. No matter how big, nice or fancy or lavish one has things, they are not satisfied. They will tear down and build greater instead of sharing their wealth with the needy.

We see this all around us today. This is the spirit of this seventh or Laodicean Church. Proof... Rev. 3: 17. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.

See, the very same spirit which prevailed with Lucifer in the Garden, rich and increased with goods and have need of not need God.... I am God.

Solomon said that nothing new would ever be under the sun...all that will ever be has already been. This tells us that before the flood that race of people were much more advanced than we are today. They had it all. They were rich and increased with goods and did not need or want God.

Eze. 31: 15. Thus saith the Lord God; In the day when he went down to the grave I caused a mourning: I covered the deep for him, and I restrained the floods thereof, and the great waters were stayed: and I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, and all the trees of the field fainted for him.

16. I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him down to hell with them that descend into the pit: and all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, shall be comforted in the nether parts of the earth.

17. They also went down into hell with him unto them that be slain with the sword; and they that were his arm, that dwelt under his shadow in the midst of the heathen.

18. To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? Yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth: thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord God.

Now this Scripture above is here to show you that God did not cast that society of ‘ADAM’, that first head, out of the Garden of Eden until the time of the flood of Noah. That is the great waters that were stayed. Nothing else in Scripture is spoken of this way---- the great waters were stayed. See verse 17... this is that head which was slain with the sword.

When any of these heads of mankind become into this stage of being rich and increased with goods, in need of nothing, and have this spirit of saying man is God, then the stage is set for destruction.

So what else did Jesus tell us to watch for? Luke 17: 26. And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

27. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

28. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

29. But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

Now here we are given two different times with the same conditions, in which God brought a major destruction against mankind. In the days of Noah, at the time of the flood, they were really living it up and did not believe destruction was upon them, even though they had been warned. They did not believe. That brought the destruction of that first head, Adam.

Now look at something added in the days of Lot, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded. Now this is important to this message. See this is the condition of the ‘rich man’, the Laodicean Church. They are right now in this condition: buying; selling; (mark of the beast, so they are one of the beast)...planting and building. See the rich man planted his crops and his ground brought forth abundantly. But instead of sharing this abundance with others, he selfishly tore down his ‘barns’ and built greater.


Now I know this may seem scattered, but I am going to bring it all together for you (with God’s help, I sure cannot do this myself).

The society of ADAM before the flood had reached its fullness. It had reached the 7th head of that world. It was finished. It was rich and increased with goods, and had need of nothing. They considered themselves to be God. They did not need God. They said I will set my throne above the stars of God, I will be like the most high. I am God. I sit in the seat of God, but God said to them, thou fool, this night your soul will be required of you.

That night (their tribulation, their darkness) the destruction came upon them in that flood. So that seventh head of Adam’s race came to an end. Noah’s family started that second head of mankind after the flood. They started a new society. Now man has been cast out of that Garden State of being able to live almost a thousand years.

After the flood Noah’s sons began to try to rebuild that kind of society under Nimrod. They all were together in one mind and one accord. They used their power and great minds to try to reach back and pick up that immortal state. In other words, they tried to build a ‘tower, which would reach unto heaven again’.

This is that third kingdom with the four heads. There were the three sons of Noah and Abraham beginning the Hebrews. This is the four heads on that third kingdom of mankind. See Noah was the second head. He came up on the other side of the flood but came down on this side. His head crossed over the flood to start a new move of God.

Now at the tower of Babel those people had again reached that stage of being rich and increased with goods and had need of nothing. How do I know? God said now nothing which they have imagined to do will be denied them. See they could do anything they could imagine. They were leaving God out of their lives, going about to set themselves up as God. See, “I am God; I sit in the seat of God; I do not need God”. It is that spirit which causes God to rise up and destroy a society.

So what happened this time? God sent another ‘destruction’. He scattered them over the face of the whole earth and changed their language so that now they could not understand each other. This caused them to have to leave off their project they had going on of setting themselves back up as God. Adam had become as one of them, the Gods. Now the man has become as one of US, to know good and evil.

So that was the end of that society of man being one. Now they are scattered over the whole earth and not able to perform their desire. The power of that rich man was broken just as Adam’s had been broken.

At the time of Lot, which Jesus said to watch for, another society became a ‘rich man’. They were rich and increased with goods and had no need for God. Anytime a being feels no need for God; it is because they have set themselves up as god to themselves. They have that spirit of destruction = I am God.

Eze. 16: 49. Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

50. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.

Now see that the condition of Sodom was the same when God brought their destruction. They were rich and increased with goods. They had fullness of bread and abundance of idleness. The only way a society can have this is be rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing. They did not help the poor and needy with all their riches. They had the spirit of the ‘rich man’ = I will tear down my barns and build greater.

So God sent fire and brimstone upon them and destroyed them.

Now count: Adam was head # one. Noah was head # 2. His three sons with Abraham are that third kingdom with the four heads, so this makes six heads on the four great kingdoms of the division of mankind. So for the seventh head which finishes up in the Old Testament, there is only MOSES.

Yes, Moses -- law, is that seventh head. This is the one Daniel said was diverse from all the rest and brakes down the earth and treads it under foot. See by law, you had better do right or be killed --no mercy.

At the time God brought this ‘vine’ out of Egypt, Egypt had reached that condition of being rich and increased with goods and had no need of God. Pharaoh was considered to be God. I am God. I sit in the seat of God. So what did God do? He sent Moses out of Egypt and killed all their firstborn. He destroyed Pharaoh’s army in that Red Sea.

For a time God ruled over the Hebrews through the judges. But then they decided to build an image of the beast around them. They asked for a king. God told Samuel they have not rejected you, they have rejected me. He told them the king would take their stuff and set himself up on high. This happened. God told King Saul, When you were small in your own sight I could use you. But Saul became rich and increased with goods and picked up that spirit of I am God. I do not need God. I do not have to obey God.

Saul took it upon himself to not wait upon Samuel, which was the one ordained by God to offer the sacrifices. Saul offered the sacrifice himself. He had set himself up as God. He brought back the King Agag and the best of the cattle for himself which God had told him to destroy it all. Thus he set himself up as his own God. He had no need of God. He did not use his riches to help the poor. So Saul’s kingdom was destroyed and David was set up as the reigning king. This typed Jesus’ kingdom, to never have an end.

Later Solomon set up the richest building the world has ever seen, Solomon’s temple. He had become rich and increased with goods and set himself up as God. He disobeyed God and married many heathen wives and even bowed down and worshipped these idols. God sent King Nebuchadnezzar to destroy that rich ‘palace’ (temple) which he despised. He took that whole society of Judah down into 70 years captivity in Babylon because of their condition of being rich and increased with goods and their rich, fancy temple. They had forsaken God and set themselves up as God.

After the 70 years (seven being a complete number of years) they went back to Jerusalem and again rebuilt a fancy rich temple. This stood until the days of Jesus. At that time, the Jews, the priests and Pharisees had set themselves up as God. They did just as they pleased. They were again rich and increased with goods and had no need for the true God. They were on that seventh head of law. They finished up the 7-headed beast of the Old Testament.

The disciples of Jesus told him, Look at all these fancy buildings here. See they were under that spirit of ‘worshiping’ wood and stone. They had that rich man spirit of glorying in earthly buildings. It was that old spirit of being rich and no need of God. It was the same ‘I am God spirit’

But what did Jesus think of those fancy, lavish buildings? He said not one stone would be left upon another, which will not be thrown down. Destruction stuck that building the same as that whole seventh head of law was destroyed at Calvary. That head was wounded to death when Jesus died. That was the head, which was wounded to death by the sword. That sword was the spirit, the Word of God.

So now we are down to the last one. In the New Testament there came up another seven-headed beast, those seven churches. They made an image to that seven-headed beast of the Old Testament. They began to become rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing. They again set themselves up as God. That church claims to be your salvation. She says the way of worship is to come into her fancy buildings and pay your money to them. It took a long while, but the ‘church’ finally reached that rich and increased with goods condition. Look all around you right today.

Everywhere you look, on every corner there are rich, lavish, expensive wood and stone buildings that this church glories in. They have no need for God; they are gods to themselves. They send children out to play to make sure they never get one single thought of the true God. They are this healed, old wounded head of law. You had better be at your own church when they have it. You had better pay your tithes. You had better be here to count up our number and help us build a greater barn.

You are under law to them. They revived that head of law. They are now rich and increased with goods. They do not help the poor and needy; they take from them to build a bigger barn. They will continue to tear them down and build greater. They are insatiable. They would take the widows last penny and put it into their building-fund and tell her they are giving her salvation by doing so. Shame, Shame on you, Laodicia. You are rich and increased with goods and knoweth not that you are wretched, blind, naked, poor lukewarm and do not know it. You are soon to be destroyed. You are provoking the living God to anger again. He will again bring a major destruction. He will destroy this seventh head again. Laodicia, you are soon to be destroyed.

Come out of her my people, that you partake not of her evil deeds, that you receive not of her plagues. She is soon to be plagued. She is soon to loose all her wood and stones. Not one stone will be left upon another, which will not be thrown down. The mouth of Jesus prophesied it and it will come to pass just as surely as it happened to the other fancy buildings, which God hated.

You will all soon be made to bow and kiss the pope’s ring in worship if you refuse this last call to COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE.

You are the daughters of that whore, and the deeds of your Mother you do. Therefore, you will be made to go back home and accept and admit that you are the children of the ones who killed all the righteous blood shed on this earth. You will have to worship the Pope and bow at his feet. God has rejected you and spewed you out of his mouth. Your destruction is immanent.

When you were small and humble God could use you, but now you are rich, proud, haughty and walk with stretched forth necks, with all your painted faces = (rich, lavish buildings)-- and your idol worship, you are provoking the Living God to anger and He will very soon destroy you all.


By: Jo Smith -- September 11, 2003

Today is October 25, 2004. It is now 10:PM. On the 18th, I wrote a message called, Is your Church of God. God has moved on me for several months now to write message after message exposing the evils of the church system of our day. I had completely forgotten the above message, Conditions for destruction. I did not have this in print and have not looked at the disk this message is on in a long time. So I had forgotten this message. Yesterday I felt to redo my message about my little girl, Rachel. It was on the same disk as this message of conditions. I picked this disk up a few minutes ago to see what was on it for I wanted to print out some more messages to give away.

I saw this one and just decided to sit here and read it and see what was in it. I can tell you I was shocked when I read the above message. It is almost identical to the message, Is your church of God. But when I wrote the latter message, I did not remember this one. It did not stem from this message. As I read down near the end of the message I was shocked as I saw that my words were pure prophecy. I again saw the spirit of prophecy as I had at the time of writing this message. As I read it I felt my spirit ‘catch’ in awe for I saw that the words were prophecy. Then as I neared the end I saw that God had been speaking directly to the Laodician Church in this message and giving out His warning of soon coming destruction.

Then when I reached the end and read the date I had written this message, Sept 11, 2003, I was even more amazed. I know in my heart I did not plan that, for I never do such things. See God had led me to write this warning to the Church on the anniversary of the destruction of our twin towers!

I know in my heart this is very significant. God always does things in an orderly and meaningful manner. Nothing He does is of unimportance. Days and dates are of utmost importance in God’s prophecies. If you think not, just check some of the Prophets in the Word. Read Ezekiel. Each time he tells a different thing he tells the time and place of the prophecy. If God had a reason for that then, he still does the same way. You might say well that was real men of God. What is the difference? I am a woman of God. God can and does speak through me the same as Ezekiel or Daniel or Peter. So I know in my heart for me to just at random pick up this message tonight had to be a direct moving of God. I know now that is why He moved on me to pull up the message on Rachel. For I had not looked at this particular disk in a long while and would not have. I had completely forgotten this message also. So this had to be God to lead me to this almost identical message. In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every Word be established. Jesus Christ, the SAME, YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER.

He changes not. If He did these things in ages past, he still does. We only must be submitted to His will and He will use us. Glory to His precious Name.

The warning is out there. Repent or He will come quickly and REMOVE YOUR CANDLE STICK. --

I know you will may not believe this, but I was going back up to start printing this message. I had already forgotten that I had ended the above message with the above statement. When I saw it, I was stunned. God had moved on me to write the above statement AGAIN. As He is my witness, I had forgotten it was at the end of the message. So again it was witnessed twice without my planning this. It is of God. I Know God again led me to say Repent or He will come quickly and REMOVE YOUR CANDLESTICK. This is God’s Word, not mine. It is doubled by His doing, not mine.

By:  Jo Smith



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