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Date Posted:12/31/2015 11:47 PMCopy HTML ~~~~ Adam or Jesus? ~~~~ By: Jo Smith…. June 7, 2015 from: Eze 29 God uses many different people in scripture, to show other things at other times. For instance, many times ‘David’ is used to show Jesus. There are many others used to also show Jesus. This of course, is in the old testament. The truth about Adam and Jesus and also Eve are written all over Scripture, using other people’s lives to show what went on with these three people. These three people are of utmost importance to the things of God. We must all come to know the truth about Adam, Eve and Jesus. To fail to receive a LOVE for the TRUTH, is damnation to the soul. So when you hear a thing, you need to be very careful to take it to Scripture and either prove it, or disprove it. It makes no difference who speaks the thing or how many miracles they claim to be doing. They may be faking it and lying to you. If you believe them, you will damn your soul. Remember that God said devils would be working miracles to deceive nations with. So even if a person does work all kinds of miracles, and yet he is teaching lies, you had better stay clear of that person and reject his lies. When a man teaches stuff which is not one time written in Scripture, you know he is a liar and the truth is not in him. There are many mysteries written in scripture, which people just gloss over and read it as a story about some natural man. This is the DUST which God said is the serpent’s meat. You are eating dust, when you try to interpret the word of God naturally. It takes a revelation from God, to a spiritual mind, to get these secrets in Scripture. I am going to show you some very deep secrets written in Ezekiel. I have been seeking these deep meanings for many, many years. God is opening them up to me as I study. I know that most people will not even read a message which is over a page or two long. Well, they will never get any truth that way. But to the ones who are hungry for the truth of God, here is some deep revelation. Ezekiel 29 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV) 29 In the tenth year, in the tenth month, in the twelfth day of the month, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him, and against all Egypt: 3 speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, Now, the natural mind will think this is about some natural man ruling over natural Egypt. But that is not the case. This PHARAOH here is ADAM. Until you learn that Eze 28 is all about Adam, and not some angel or spirit, you will never see any deep truths in the word of God. Adam is the man whom God created, perfect, in Eden, and he cast him out for his iniquity. This can be no other. So now, I will prove that this is about Adam. The base for this PROOF is in Eze 28. Here Adam declared, “I am God; I sit in the seat of God”. But God said to him, “You are just a man.” God also said, I will cast him out for his evil. He cast out the man, Adam. But one of the hidden mysteries in the Word is that this did not occur until the time of the FLOOD. That is when God fulfilled his promise to drive Adam out of Eden. See, Adam means all man-kind. But the original Adam said, I am God. This is the same thing as above: the rivers, (meaning the multitude of people, were Adam’s. He was saying, I fathered these people. I made these people. I created them. I am God; they belong to me. My ‘river’ is mine own; I made it for myself. So this proves it is ADAM. We can see this attitude in most pastors today. They think the people belong to them. They will tell the people, you must not go to any other church when we are having our doings. They thus rule over the people and bring them into bondage. That is what ‘tilling the ground’ means = bringing the people into bondage. This is what Adam and Cain were doing. When one, such as Abel, would not go along with the lies and worship Adam, They would kill them. See, that the above verse shows that this ‘king’ was the great DRAGON. Revelation shows that the dragon is the very same as the old serpent and satan, the devil. These are all descriptions of the hypocrite, Adam. (I cannot take the time in this message to go back and prove all these things. You will either have to search it out yourself, or go back and read my other messages, where I have already proven all of this. But in order to move on with this message, (for it will be very long), I must simply go on with what God has been showing me lately. One of the great mysteries of the Word of God is that it not only shows us the PAST, but the present and the future. We can go be the very same words, (If God is anointing them to you), and show what went on back in Eden, shortly after, and on down to our very present day. So, you will not only learn here what Adam did, but it also shows the natural Egypt. If you don’t know that a ‘mountain’, a tree, a rock, a river, etc. actually mean a nation of people, you will miss most everything in scripture, and ‘hear’ dust. You will be ‘eating’ the ‘flesh’ of old serpent, Adam; (Or his word). Also, you need to know that there has been a ‘war’ going on in ‘heaven’ for eons. This was and is between satan, or Adam, and God. Adam wants everyone to worship him, as their god. But the true God is the creator and wants everyone to know that HE IS THE LORD. That is stated over and over in these chapters; seems everything that God did was so they would know that He is the LORD, and not the evil Adam. Also know that Jesus showed that when the apostles went after men, to convert them to Christ, they were FISHING FOR MEN. I will make you fishers OF MEN. So, these ‘fish’ are actually the people of Adam’s kingdom. Verse 4-6: But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, and all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales. 5 And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered: I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field and to the fowls of the heaven. 6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the Lord, This is speaking of when God cast Adam’s kingdom out of Eden. They were cast out into a wilderness, meaning this natural, dust world that we are in today. They were NOT in the ‘dust-state’ before the flood— “another mystery’ hidden to people. Those people who could live almost a thousand years, still producing children, were certainly not like us. God put them into the dust-body, after the flood. I cannot take the time to prove all of this in this message. But it is truth. Those people were ‘eating’ the ‘flesh’ or words of that old serpent, Adam. His word is LAW. They were under the bondage of LAW. This is the flesh of Adam. Gen 2: 10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. This is prophesy for when the flood came. That ‘river’ which went out of Eden was the family of Noah. From there, after the building of the tower of Babel, that ‘river’ of people divided into four heads: Shem, Japheth, Ham and Abraham. They repopulated the earth after the flood, and became four different kingdoms. Eze 29: 8 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee, and cut off man and beast out of thee. 9 And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste; and they shall know that I am the Lord: because he hath said, The river is mine, and I have made it.10 Behold, therefore I am against thee, and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia. 11 No foot of man shall pass through it, nor foot of beast shall pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited forty years. Here, Egypt is representing the garden of Eden. It was left desolate after the flood. The forty years is not man’s time, but a time allotted to anyone or place, until God brings them to judgment = the forty years. This also shows that Jesus cut old Jerusalem (law) off and left them DESOLATE. Mat 23. The sword that came upon them is the message of Jesus Christ and his apostles. This is speaking to the OT law system, which is what Adam’s kingdom labored under. See, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is that old law system, which God hates. Isa 1, and 66, and Romans 3; 5; and 7. These verses solidly prove that law is that death tree. So here, Jesus is cutting out that old law system with his grace message. He left that old testament desolate. It is Adam’s kingdom of law. (for proof, read Lamentations). God is against this wicked system of obey law or die. God is a God of grace, mercy, forgiveness. Adam or satan is a ‘god’ of law; obey or be killed. (which religious groups today show this horrible attitude?) See that verse 16 shows that the system he destroyed brought their sins to remembrance. This is what the animal sacrifices did = brought their sins to remembrance. God does not want this; God wants us and Him to forget it and go on with HOLINESS. 17 And it came to pass in the seven and twentieth year, in the first month, in the first day of the month, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 18 Son of man, Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon caused his army to serve a great service against Tyrus: every head was made bald, and every shoulder was peeled: yet had he no wages, nor his army, for Tyrus, for the service that he had served against it: 19 therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will give the land of Egypt unto Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon; and he shall take her multitude, and take her spoil, and take her prey; and it shall be the wages for his army. 20 I have given him the land of Egypt for his labour wherewith he served against it, because they wrought for me, saith the Lord God. 21 In that day will I cause the horn of the house of Israel to bud forth, and I will give thee the opening of the mouth in the midst of them; and they shall know that I am the Lord. Here, Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, represents JESUS. Now I know that will be very hard for you to see, but it will prove out. God has to show you the spiritual things hidden in these scriptures, for you to know these truths. It has taken my many years to come to understand these things, so I am not going to try and show you here, how I came to this. Ask God to show you, if you care to know. I am just telling you what God has revealed to me. IF you have never studied these chapters and tried to see into them, this will be uninteresting to you anyway. Go back to cp 28 and see that God called Adam the king of Tyrus there. In cp 31 God calls Adam both Pharaoh and the Assyrian. So here, the one who takes this wicked kingdom down, is none other than JESUS CHRIST. He is likened here, to the king of Babylon, who came and took down the wicked Judah and burned that old temple and their walls and gates. He destroyed that entire kingdom of Judah. But now remember that God sent Neb to do this. He was working for God. So with that example here we find that Jesus tore down the kingdom of old Adam. Jesus hung ‘first-man Adam’ on that cross and did away with him; coming out of the grave as ‘second-man Adam’, a quickening spirit. Now the service that Jesus did, of taking down that old law system, He had no wages for doing this work. He did not ever charge money for anything. He freely did the work of God. All of his true children also follow his holy example. He said, come buy without price and without money. Money is the working of old satan or Adam. Also remember that Jesus was made under the LAW, made of a woman. So this proves he was under this law system until his resurrection. You may think the woman mentioned here is Mary, but not so. Sure Mary was his mother, but more is meant here. It goes back to Eve. Jesus is her promised SEED to take down this old head of the serpent, that old law system under Adam. But there is also another ‘woman’ meant here. See, when you run to some ‘church’ 52 weeks a year and listen to the same old warmed-over stuff = get baptized in Jesus name; repent; Jesus is coming soon; rapture is coming; Jesus was god in flesh and all such stuff; you are never going to get these mighty secrets. Go back to Genesis one. That kingdom or race of people, had the seed of LIFE IN THEMSELVES. Hence, that was a MALE KINGDOM. Male is the spirit kingdom. Again, I cannot write all of this up in this message; it would take forever. After the flood, there came up a FEMALE kingdom, or dust people, who must be GIVEN A SEED OF LIFE, FOR WE DO NOT HAVE IT IN OURSELVES. Jesus said, you are DEAD. We are a dead soul until he gives us the Holy Ghost; then we become a LIVING SOUL; but it is still a FEMALE KINGDOM, or being bride; wife; or having to have the male give us the seed of LIFE. Hence, everyone since the flood, except the few who exited that ark, are of this FEMALE KINGDOM. This female kingdom is Genesis chapter two, not one. Female is the flesh kingdom. Remember that Jesus said, as the Father has given me…GIVEN TO ME…to have LIFE in myself , so have I given you to have life in yourself. See, then, that Jesus was not of the spirit, or MALE kingdom. He had to be given LIFE OR THAT SEED OF LIFE. God, the spirit, or his husband, gave him this seed of LIFE. Jesus was of the FEMALE KINGDOM of dust people. He could NOT have been God. When you ‘see’ male and female, here, in the flesh, you are totally missing the truth of God. We are ALL OF THE FEMALE. Not one single person on this earth today is of the MALE KINGDOM. This is why the Word said, In CHRIST, there is neither male nor female. We are all ONE IN CHRIST JESUS. So, Jesus was of this female, or flesh kingdom. He was not of the God kingdom. He was given that place after his resurrection. See, teaching that Mary’s baby was god, causes you to miss all this truth. So Jesus took down that evil law kingdom of Adam. He nailed it to his cross and took it out of the way. Get this. It will be the basis for the next chapter of this message, going into chapter 30 and 31. Notice, it said he had no wages for him or his army. His army is all who preached or took up his message of Grace and set about converting the world to Jesus. But see that they also take no wages for their work. Those who take wages are of the evil kingdom of satan. God said he gave Egypt to this king of Babylon as his wages. This king of Babylon, our Jesus, took of that old kingdom a prey, or those who came into the grace kingdom of Jesus. This was his ‘wages’ for his army. Why? We were working for God. This is how they come to know that I AM THE LORD…says God. The converts to Jesus, is his PAY for what he did for God. We are his reward. He took no money. He wants no money. Praise God for this great truth. I will take up chapter 30 next installment. -------------------------------------------------------------- |